Optical Illusion : Skull Mountain

Though the resolution of this image is pretty small, you can still find out the reason we have posted this in our illusion list. In the mountains far ahead, you can clearly see a shape that can be referred to as a skull. The hollow eyes are even creepy adding a whole new impression to the illusion. The third hole below the one we referred as eyes can be taken as the nose. This is absolutely impressive as from a distance this far, it do appears like a skull crafted on the mountains.

category : ANAMORPHIC


Optical Illusion : Famous Vertical and Horizontal Length

Which line is longer in length - the vertical one or the horizontal one?

Optical Illusion : Popular Book

Where is the book pointing towards? Is it towards you or away from you?

Optical Illusion : Amazing Horizontal Circles Distortion

Are the given two circles horizontal?

Optical Illusion : Clouds from Kettle's Mouth

How about a hot tea in the chilly winters? But wait, this kettle is so amazing. Instead of the vapors of the hot tea, it is emitting out the clouds. This illusion is a proof that we can find elements to create an illusion all around us. The one who clicked this picture merely had a thought after watching a cloud overhead and converted a simple cloud into an interesting illusion. We do hope you can create a lot more such illusions.

category : TRICKY | COOL

Optical Illusion : Lips or a Leaf

This illusion will work best if you look at this image from a distance. From up close, you can see the rough outlines of the leaves but from a distance, you won't be able to trace them and then you will have a hard time deciding whether this picture is of a leaf or a close up of supple lips. The color of leaf (or it may have been colored artificially) is a big contributor to the overall ambiguous effect.

Optical Illusion : Impossible Fence

Now this is an impressive model of a fence. We are sure you can recognize the paradox here. The two vertical blocks can never be connected by the horizontal blocks in such a manner in real world. But someone has manipulated (or created) this image in an image editing software. From the look of it, it feels somebody has created a 3d model in a 3d software but those software work in real environment. It is difficult to find out how the artist did it but he has done a real good job for sure.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Rocket Speed Bird

Well this bird has got a jetpack installed on its back it seems which is enabling it to fly at rocket speed leaving the trail behind. Whoever has clicked this pick happens to have a great timing or just got lucky. A moment here or there and the result would not have been as astounding as it appears to be now. Of course there is a jet hidden behind the bird. What were you thinking? Timing plays a major role in such illusions. You should literally be camera ready always. Who know what you may find the next moment that is worth capturing?

category : COOL | ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Creepy Owl Carving

One can consider this craving as 2.5 dimensional as it does not have much depth to it. But the carving is extremely detailed. The tree branches, the owl's body and detailing over the face has been done with much detail. Frankly, it does not even look like a carving. It looks as if someone has sketched into a piece of paper; it is that much detailed. Must have taken a lot of time we guess. Anyhow, we loved this carved illusion. Do you?

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Realistic Planes Sketch

These planes reminded us of the popular cartoon series Talespin. The crafts look alike don't they? The planes looks realistic and the art is amazing but what's more amazing is the illusion that the artist has created giving us an effect that these planes exist in a three dimensional plane. The fact however is that they are merely two dimensional sketches. Look at the shadow below them. That does offer more depth to the planes and make them appear to be three dimensional.

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Kung-Fu Panda

In this picture, you can see a boat with three kids sitting inside the boat. They have long branches in their hands that they have raised high in the air. The artist has given a distinct shape to the leaves that is merging together to form a beloved cartoon figure i.e. the Kung-Fu Panda. We are sure all of you must have seen the movies. Simple yet great right? It is amazing for sure. This kind of art can inspire the artist in you to try something of your own because it's simple and just require a creative mind.

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