Optical Illusion : Scary Eyes

Behold yourself as this illusion is definitely going to halt your breath. If it did not, then probably you have not glanced at the eyes properly? Are the eyes open? Where are the eyelashes then? Are they closed? Do you think that the eye lids were painted to generate that illusion? Or do you think that the eyelashes on the lower eye lid are painted and the upper trimmed to generate the illusion? Confused right? This is a remarkable body art that has left us speechless too. Anyhow, it is scary to glance at those eyes.

category : ART | FACE


Optical Illusion : Fibonacci Swollen Square

It's a 3D figure right. We can clearly make out the swollen middle square. But wait it's not a 3D image. Or is it?

category : LOGIC | PUZZLES

Optical Illusion : Holding Mountain on Head

You are probably going to try this one whenever you visit such a beach in your life. This is the beauty of outdoor illusions. Once you see one, you can easily imitate it yourself. But of course, the one who does it for the first time is surely pretty good at creativity. This person had done it just right. The expressions and the legs make it appear even more real. But yes, the photographer did a good job as well.

Optical Illusion : Uneven Circle

You might have seen so many similar illusions so far if you love them. This is another one of those distorted illusions that you have already seen with some variations. The circle amidst the distorted lines appears to be uneven as well. However that is not truth and only an illusion. The distorted lines themselves are responsible in creating this illusion. The lines are drawn in different directions and thus the circle appears to be distorted in several directions. If they would have been in the same direction, the circle might have appeared regular.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : 127 Hours Movie Poster

Everyone knows the name Danny Boyle. The director gained popularity in many Asian countries after the release of Slumdog Millionaire for which he even won the academy award. 127 hours in another gem from the director and if you have not watched it till now, do take some time to watch it. Anyways, moving back to the illusion, you can see a man stuck in between two mountains. Well that was on the face but did you notice an hourglass at the backdrop? It has been formed by the mountains and the small piece of rock in the middle is acting as a separation. Mazing right?

category : ART | PERCEPTION

Optical Illusion : Amazing Coffee Foam Art

Now this is an amazing art for sure. Imagine yourself to be on that hot air balloon with your loved one or your friends let's say. Well chuck it, it would be awesome to be the only one on that hot air balloon and enjoying the beautiful clouds and the mountains. The artist has used chocolate syrup to draw in the outlines that offers enhanced details to his art for sure. Also, using coffee powder to enhance the details of mountains and the balloon, he has proved that we was pretty serious for his art. Anyhow, hats off to the creativity and the talent.

category : AMAZING | ART

Optical Illusion : Uninvolved in Peace

Now the UN people will be angered by looking at this picture. Clearly the board behind this man reads - Involved in Peace and there is the logo below that as well. The man wearing the helmet is having UN written on his helmet. But when he is standing at the current place and when the photograph is taken from this angle, it looks like he is stating that he is Uninvolved in Peace. It's funny how sometimes you are not even aware of these things when the pictures are clicked. But sometimes you do it deliberately as well. So which was it Mr. Photographer.

Optical Illusion : Rafting on the Street

Wow was our first expression after watching this amazing illusion. These two people are rafting live on the street. But how did a canal opened up on the street and gave way to a river with such a roaring flow of water? Well actually it's all an art. Just the people in this picture are real. Everything else you see has been painted on the road. The details are just amazing and it looks like both of them are enjoying the rafting. But are they not aware of the alligator waiting just for them on the other end? Well, the alligator looks creepy frankly and his eye shows his sinister intentions.

category : ART | ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Dog Man Driving a Car

What do you see in this picture? It appears that an organism with a dog head and human body is actually driving a car. But that can only happen in the Hollywood movies right? So what has happened in this picture? Actually the picture has been taken by the person sitting on the passenger sitting exactly at the moment when the dog sitting on the backseat had his head between the lens of the camera and the driving person. This has generated an illusion that is being perceived by your eyes.

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : Mickey Mouse Live Sketch

This is a brilliant work of art. If you remove the piece of paper from his hand, you will notice that the picture actually comprised of stairs leading to the surface. The artist took the liberty to draw those stairs on the paper and made Mickey Mouse stand on top of the last step. He wrote down an amazing quote and drew additional things that are not present in the original seascape. Then he took the picture of his art from a distance and at an angle from where it merges with the real environment. Amazing really!

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Collecting Stream of Clouds

Looking at the picture, it feels like the clouds in the form of a stream are pouring down right into the mineral water bottle. How would they taste like? Well that's a difficult thing to say because that's not actually happening. It just appears to be like that. Placing the bottle close to the camera and in a perfect alignment with the thin lining of clouds has resulted in this impressive illusion. Can that be a jet smoke? You hardly find clouds that thin and straight. So yes, it may be but still, it appears to be clouds.

category : ANAMORPHIC

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