Optical Illusion : Sailing Ships or Bridge

This is a terrific piece of art. Whoever has created it is able to achieve an excellent illusion. There is not much to explain and we believe you have already found out the illusion in this picture. If you look at the right most, you can find a ship. With perspective the ship size keeps on decreasing as you move your eyes towards the left. But as you move left, you can see that the sky is diffusing to form a bridge. The position of clouds and the ships is responsible to create this diffusion. It has been done with so much finesse that you won't even recognize when it swiftly diffuse to form the bridge. An amazing art hands down.

category : ART


Optical Illusion : Cool Rotating Circles

Move your head closer to the screen and then move it away. Do it back and forth. What do you find?

Optical Illusion : Same or Different Shades of Red?

Just look closely at the two given figures. Focus on the red dots. They are different shades right? Now just take this picture into any photo editing program and sample both the shades to receive a shock. The shades that looks so different are actually the same. So why does they look different? This is because of the different background shades that these two images have. Sometimes, our brain perceives things according to the background. This is an excellent example of the phenomenon.

category : LOGIC | TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Astonishing Chess Pieces

We have something for you that will leave you completely shocked. Now this illusion can be a bit tricky and you will have to understand first before trying it. We are telling you that the two set of chess pieces that you see in the image below are of exactly same gradient. Don't be so fast to mock at us. Now if you want to prove it, just open the image in any image editing software. Now carefully pick up any spot in the first image of any chess piece. Check at the same spot in the second image and you will agree with the fact that they certainly are of same gradient.

Optical Illusion : Scary Kids Snap

You might be feeling that it is a cool family picture right? These kids look so happy together, then what can be scary about this picture? Try deducing it yourself first before we tell you in the next line what you have to do. So you've given up already? Alright then, take this image and try it rotating in any image viewer. You'll be shocked to find something that you had not seen earlier. It was scary right? Whoever has manipulated the picture has done a great job.

category : FACE

Optical Illusion : Staircase that can't Exists

We remember putting a staircase paradox back in time. Well, this one is much more impressive and conveys the paradox nature in a more explanatory manner. Just for the fun of it, try and follow these stairs and see where you reach. Are you surprised by the fact that even after climbing the steps, you are practically on the same level? But it looked pretty alright in the beginning. So can you try and create such a figure in real world? You won't be able to as this figure is impossible in real world. You can't create steps that meet on the very same level from where they started.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Leaning Tower of Pisa

You all must be familiar with the Leaning Tower of Pisa right. Today, we bring you an illusion based on the same. Two pictures of the tower have been placed side by side. Now you have to decide which one is leaning towards the right more. If you said that it is the right one, then you are in for a surprise. This is because if you try to measure the tilt, you will find that both of them are equally leaned. But still, the right one appears to be more tilted. This is because of a slightly different camera angle in the second image that makes it appear like it is more tilted.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Will You Marry Me?

That is the only title we could thing of this extremely sweet illusion or a gesture maybe. Did you ever think of using the sun in such a manner? Well the next time you come across such a weather, you can definitely click a pic and send to your loved ones. Perspective is the only key thing here. It makes the sun appear so small that it can be taken as a ring. It looks as if he is ready to slide that ring in her finger. Actually whenever you create an illusion, even the little things matter. If this illusion did not have a hand of the girl, it would not have appeared so impressive.

category : PERCEPTION

Optical Illusion : Creative Sun Lamp

This guy is using the sun as a lamp and trying to read what maybe his favorite book. Full marks for the creativity here. The tripod is kept at the perfect place and the sun is merging with it perfectly. The guy is even holding a wire adding more details to it. The idea of holding a book was really good and has made it look impressive. Who knows if it would not have looks so good without it? Yes, you will need accessories to create such an illusion but we hope you get an idea and can create something different of your own.

Optical Illusion : Spider-Man Carved Pumpkin

The good ol' friendly neighborhood is here with his mask carved into the pumpkin. The pumpkin is not visible due to the emitting bright light but we assure you that it is actually a pumpkin carving only. Definitely the artist has done a good job here as the mask looks exactly like we have seen in the comic books. Next time you are looking for an idea, you might want to carve out The Dark Knight or Iron Man probably.

category : COOL | ART

Optical Illusion : Bike with Scraped Metal

No one, nobody can ever judge what is going on with the scraped welded metal till he throws light at tit and notices the shadow. That is the moment he will be left flabbergasted. This is because, the shadow appears to be a bike. Even at that, it looks perfectly drawn out of a bike itself. It is amazing how these shadow artists bring up such an amazing shadow illusions that leave us astonished at their creativity and the zeal for their work.

category : AMAZING

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