Optical Illusion : Sailing in the Sky

Obviously, this painting is a paradox. This is not possible and self-contradictory. The fact is that the sea has been merged with the sky which can't exists in real world. But for the painters, anything is possible. The land is getting merged with the water and the water is getting merged with sky. The ships thus appear to be sailing in the sky. However if you look at the far end, it is sailing rightfully in the water. The overall effect of this illusion is quite interesting.

category : IMPOSSIBLE | ART


Optical Illusion : Amazing Skateboarding Car

You might have seen many people skateboarding and even perform stunts on the board. But have you ever found any car skateboarding? This is exactly what this illusion tries to show us. So is it a toy car? What if we say no? The truth is that it indeed is not a toy car. But then how is it standing over the skateboard? The reason here is the placement of both skateboard and the car. The skateboard is right in the front of the camera while the car is standing far ahead. This is the reason why it appears so small. And yes, the camera angle plays an important role too.

Optical Illusion : Mysterious Scary Faces

If you look at this illusion closely, you will find that there are a handful of faces in the picture. Two sculls are situated on both the sides and in the center, you can outline three faces at right angles. Colorful patterns are used to depict those faces which makes this illusion a bit trippy. Probably you would find this illusion even scary when you are high. Do give it a try and post in your feedbacks.

Optical Illusion : Disappearing Colors

Probably you have seen this illusion in the social media sites already. But if you have not, you are in for a great surprise today. Below is a faded image comprising of a few colors. What you have to do is stare at it. Just do it for a few seconds blocking out every other thought from your mind and concentrating on the image. Soon, the whole image will disappear from your vision. Did it? Isn't this illusion amazing? Something's can strike you with an amusing surprise and his is surely one of them.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Vanishing Surfaces

You might have already understood what you have to do right? You just have to stare at the black dot in the middle. Stare it long enough concentrating on nothing else except the dot and you will find that the blue surfaces disappear suddenly. Although, the image might have looked so simple to you in the beginning, the final effect of the illusion is really something right? We are sure that the people who like disappearing effects, will like this simple yet powerful illusion.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Enlarged Letter

We have another illusion today to astonish you. You can see two pictures below this post. Now prepare yourself for the amusement that will strike you after this afterimage illusion. Check the B image first. You have to stare at the cross between the two circles. Stare them for about thirty seconds. Now immediately look at the above image at the cross between two same sized a's. You will feel that the left letter is bigger than the right one. If you were not able to achieve the illusion, try again and this time stare for a minute.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Impossible Fence

Now this is an impressive model of a fence. We are sure you can recognize the paradox here. The two vertical blocks can never be connected by the horizontal blocks in such a manner in real world. But someone has manipulated (or created) this image in an image editing software. From the look of it, it feels somebody has created a 3d model in a 3d software but those software work in real environment. It is difficult to find out how the artist did it but he has done a real good job for sure.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Converging Checkers

This is one of the simple physiological illusions. You can clearly see the checkers converging just right of the middle. Probably you can also feel like the two different planes are rolling down at that point. However, that is not true and this is only what you are perceiving. The reason behind this is the difference in the width of the checkers that is decreasing as they reach that point. It makes us think like they are ultimately falling down or rolling down at that point.

Optical Illusion : Stripping on Street

One has to be crazy to strip like that in public. People do anything to grab the attention of the masses. This is one of such cases. Well not in a wrong manner of course. What we said is how the photographer wants us to perceive things. The truth is however that she is not stripping. What you see emerging out of her sweatshirt is actually her elbow. She has folded her arm in a manner that is stimulating your dirty brains. A commendable job if done voluntarily but a funny mistake if done involuntarily.

Optical Illusion : Michael Jackson Shadow

Now this has to be a tribute to the legend that is present alive in so many hearts today. The shadow as you see clearly hints towards Michael Jackson in his signature pose. But what created the shadow? As you cans see in the front, there is scraped metal that has probably been welded together. It's crazy if you start thinking how do artists work upon such illusions. Well the answer should be the dedication and hard work they do while doing such things. It does not happens over a night but requires days of practice.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Realistic Dog Tag Sketch

You will think that he is holding the chain of the dog tag between his fingers. But then if you look at the dog tag, you will feel that it is a sketch. So what sorcery has the artist done here? Well actually, the whole of the picture you see has been sketched by him. This is the beauty of 3d sketching and we believe that he has done a good job merging the 3d sketching with the basic two dimensional sketch. Also, a bullet appears to be a complementary object along with the main sketch or did he want it to appear tough?

category : ART | 3D

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