Optical Illusion : Maleficent Carving

You all must be familiar with the famous fairy tale character Maleficent. Recently Disney also released a movie based on it, which told us the alternate story of the cursed witch. The witch you see in the front is Maleficent only and on the back you can see a dragon emitting out fire through his mouth and finally offering a great background to the standing witch. The art comprises of minute carvings over the pumpkin's surface. Of course a lot of patience was required to create such a fine piece but in the end, the hard work paid off well as the result is outstanding.

category : ART


Optical Illusion : Pink Color Test

There are two blocks of pink colors. Are they the same shade?

Optical Illusion : Impossible Lego Construction

Just look at this figure. It is pretty clear that it is impossible to exist in the real world. But what if we tell you that it is a real one. No tampering or digital manipulation has been done with the image and it is perfectly a real one.

Shocked right? Just to give you a hint, this illusion works only from a specific angle. Also, the image is much flatter than it seems. Now you got it right?

Optical Illusion : Strange Disappearing Act

Mind us when we say that this one is not one of the regular disappearing illusions you may have seen. It has a bit different flavor to it. You can see two different images below. First, look in the center of the first image for some time. Now move your eyes to the center of the second image. What did you see? You might have seen some strange patterns moving. Or did you see something else? Did the image fade out or flicker? You can try one more thing with this illusion. After staring for some time, if you move your head closer and away from the screen, you will see some awesome effects. Drop in your experiences in the comment section.

category : AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Bent Black and White Straws

It seems as if the straws that are shown here were tied at some places together which has caused the unusual bending of them. So do one thing. Take a ruler and measure the distance between any two straws at different places. You will be shocked to see that the straws have equal distance between them which means that they are absolutely straight. So why does our eyes perceive them as bent? It is because of the spiral texture made with contrasting colors black and white.

Optical Illusion : Staircase that can't Exists

We remember putting a staircase paradox back in time. Well, this one is much more impressive and conveys the paradox nature in a more explanatory manner. Just for the fun of it, try and follow these stairs and see where you reach. Are you surprised by the fact that even after climbing the steps, you are practically on the same level? But it looked pretty alright in the beginning. So can you try and create such a figure in real world? You won't be able to as this figure is impossible in real world. You can't create steps that meet on the very same level from where they started.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Skull Mountain

Though the resolution of this image is pretty small, you can still find out the reason we have posted this in our illusion list. In the mountains far ahead, you can clearly see a shape that can be referred to as a skull. The hollow eyes are even creepy adding a whole new impression to the illusion. The third hole below the one we referred as eyes can be taken as the nose. This is absolutely impressive as from a distance this far, it do appears like a skull crafted on the mountains.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Painting the Sun

By all means, this picture looks like a guy is painting the sun. Some of you might even feel that it is a wall and he is painting it in a realistic tone. But the truth is that it is a normal unedited picture. This is just a perspective play by the photographer and the man is actually standing so close to the camera that the sun looks smaller and within his reach. He is just holding the paint brush in air and we perceive it as he has been painting it.

Optical Illusion : Robotic Man

A matter of excellent timing or an excellent angle? Well we can say that both matters here. It appears at the first look that the person sitting is actually a robot or at least a robot faced. The picture is clicked from behind the holding bars and that is the reason why it looks like that. So any other angle or any odd timing would have ruined this illusion. If you liked the illusion, do not forget to share it among your friends. Sharing is caring.

category : FUNNY | COOL

Optical Illusion : Sailing on the Street

At least the pool of water looks tremendously realistic in this picture. The boat however looks like it has been painted which it has been but look at the water. The ripples, the reflection of sky, building as well as the sailing boat. They all are so realistic that no way you can say they have been painted till you actually go there and touch the picture yourself. The artist is touching a finger in the water portion and it feels like he is causing those ripples. Excellent detailing we must say.

category : ART | ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Ship with Scraped Metal

So, we have come up with another scraped metal shadow illusion. This time, it is a ship, a huge sailing ship. Again, if you look at the scraped and welded metal, nothing is clear. No one can have any idea why the metal pieces have been welded in this manner. But the moment you throw light on the scraped metal, you find a shadow on the opposite side that is enough to sweep you off your feet. A huge ship is what you see and then comes the wondering. How is this even possible? Well you have to ask the artist for the explanation.

category : AMAZING

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