Optical Illusion : Lips Shaped Flower

Now this one is really cute. We are sure that you must have seen innumerable kinds of flora in real life and on the internet. Some of them definitely amaze us with intriguing shapes. This illusion is one of the similar kinds. You can clearly see the shape of lips in this flower. We are not really sure how this flower looks from some other angle but from here, it looks absolutely magnificent. It's really amusing how nature has crafted this world with her art.

category : COOL


Optical Illusion : Amazing Dog with Wings

Sometimes, all you need to create a perfect outdoor illusion is a camera ready to snap a picture at the right moment. In the attached illusion, you can say the same. It is an extremely popular outdoor illusion that you might have seen in so many social media sites and circulating picture messages in the messengers. But yes, if the person who clicked it had not used this camera angle at the right moment, this illusion would have failed. So now, you can see a normal dog with wings on the beach. How cool a sight.

category : TRICKY | AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Disappearing Blue Circle

You can see the faded blue circle very well right? Now just stare at the red dot in the middle for some time. Did the blue circle just disappear? But it was right there. Wait it is still there. Sometimes, the illusions are characterized by what we perceive rather than what is real. In such cases, your eyes sees something and your brain sees something else. This illusion is a great example of such illusions.

category : LOGIC

Optical Illusion : The Dark Knight Afterimage

We know that most of you are the fans of The Dark Knight so this illusion is dedicated to all of you. The illusion is a simple one. You can see a clip art image of batman below. You have to stare at the middle of the image. Staring at the bat logo will suffice best. Stare there for about half a minute. Now immediately turn your eyes towards a white wall or ceiling and blink your eyes. You will see an inverted image of batman now and it will appear in its true black form. Share among your friends and amaze them too.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Mati Suri Movie Poster

Even we have not heard about this movie but we are sure that B horror movie fans must have. Do drop in your comments for our readers if you have seen this movie or know about it. Let us now concentrate on what we are here for i.e. the illusion created by the poster. We think that the skull is evident in this poster. The beauty about the illusion is how naturally it has been created. The operation room headlights has been used to create most of the skull while the surgeons' heads acts as eyes and imparting the proper shape. A cadaver has been used to form the teeth. It is really awesome right?

Optical Illusion : Flipping off the Guy

Now this illusion is very carefully and cleverly timed. You can see that there are three frames and the positioning of the guy and the fingers is synced correctly. Our guess would be burst shooting or it would have been so difficult to take these snaps in one go. But whatever method have they used, the final result is really good. It really feels that the fingers have flipped the guy off from the shore into the sea. It is hilarious and we hope you had fun watching it. Do share if you like the illusion.

Optical Illusion : Lifting her Dad

Just look at the innocent expressions of the girl in this picture. She's so cure right? But look at what she is doing - lifting her dad in the air using merely her fingers. Of course her dad is not an ant-man or a tiny figure. He is just standing at quite some distance and what you see is purely a perspective play by the photographer. This is the reason why you see the lower portion of the picture in focus while the upper portion is not focused. Also, you must be able to see the glow on the edges. This is because someone has brought the images in focus forcefully. But yes, it is a decent photography illusion.

Optical Illusion : Kids Playing with Sun

Now these kids are super cute as they play with the biggest star of our solar system. Yes, this illusion looks a bit immature but still, it is amazing. It appears as if they are holding the sun using their hands. However as you might already know that the sun is far away and they are not holding anything. They are just enacting it. These kind of illusions are easy to create if you have a decent enough camera and can be created by almost everyone.

Optical Illusion : Uninvolved in Peace

Now the UN people will be angered by looking at this picture. Clearly the board behind this man reads - Involved in Peace and there is the logo below that as well. The man wearing the helmet is having UN written on his helmet. But when he is standing at the current place and when the photograph is taken from this angle, it looks like he is stating that he is Uninvolved in Peace. It's funny how sometimes you are not even aware of these things when the pictures are clicked. But sometimes you do it deliberately as well. So which was it Mr. Photographer.

Optical Illusion : Dragon or Evil Face

Yes, we can see the devil's face with his angry eyes and the typical hat on his head. Those eyes definitely give us creeps. It feels like he is going to erupt out any moment now. But we are sure you also see a dragon in this picture. Now let's concentrate on the dragon's picture. A person on the right bottom is trying to fight off the dragon. We can see the mountains in the backdrop and a creepy night sky. All these attributes have been used to form the devil's face in some way or the other. Astonishing work by the artist for sure.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Face of Paris

This illusion has become popular by this name. Of course you can see the Eiffel Tower in it and that is the reason. This picture shows the beautiful city and a girl walking under the rain with an umbrella. But along with that, it is giving an illusion of a face and thus the name Face of Paris. If you view the trees as eyes, the lady as the nose, you will be able to find the face. Now, this is an amazing illusion. This is because much of it is a real image and not a modified thing. Amazing right?

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