Optical Illusion : Holding My Own Head

Of course if you add a bit of lighting here in this picture after converting it into a night scene, it will appear to be scary instead of funny. For now, it looks pretty amusing also because of the fact that you already know it is an illusion. So how was this achieved? We are guessing that the head belongs to someone else who is standing in front of the person. The missing head might be hidden inside the pullover. But that's just one explanation. Do you have something other than this? Do make use of the comments if you have found out something else.

category : FUNNY


Optical Illusion : Zipper on Bare Back

Not just one, but two zippers are present on her skin. This is a marvelous work by the artist. He has transformed the soft skin into a hard looking zipper as if the whole skin was worn by the model as a jacket over her skeleton. It is amazing how much authenticity he has been able to put in his body paint art. Really a commendable job.

category : AMAZING | ART

Optical Illusion : Two Afterimages in One

Now this illusion is pretty much the same you might have witnessed so many times. But there is something that makes it stand out of the crowd. That is the fact that there are two illusions hiding in one image. Scroll down below and you will see an image. Corresponding to it is a white space. Now the image is made by two separate rectangles. Just stare at the center dot for a while and then shift your gaze from that image to the empty rectangles on the right. You must be able to see one of the rectangle right? Now you can do something interesting. If you achieved the illusion of horizontal rectangle, concentrate on the vertical rectangle this time and vice versa. You will be surprised to find that you see the both of them corresponding to which one of the two rectangles you put your concentration into.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Identity Movie Poster

Identity is a really well made mystery thriller. It will leave you guessing till the end and when the final revelation is made, it will give you a big shock. Let us concentrate on this amazing poster of the movie. Of course it is a hand which suits well with the title of the movie. But what else can you find? There is a face on the palm. The five fingers also portrays a distinct figure of possibly the leads of the movie (though nothing is clear). We are wondering why such creativity in the posters is seen only in the horror movies?

category : ART | PERCEPTION

Optical Illusion : White Arrows

In this illusion, you will know how our mind process the missing information and conclude the results. Can you find white arrows in the picture? We are sure you can. But are they really there? Concentrate on the black portion now. That is the actual figure that has been drawn here. However, the blank space is giving you and illusion that the white arrows are there even though they are not present. Probably if the missing pattern was not creating a familiar shape, you would not have felt the same effect.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Mind Blowing Artifice Painting

This is an absolute masterpiece. Of course you will be able to see two different things and situations in this painting. The first one is the portrait which is quite clear. But what helped in making the portrait? The other picture/situation is of a girl standing and awaiting the approaching train. Her hair have been used to form the eyes of the portrait, her arm the nose, the folds of her dress as the mouth and beard. Just look at the ear of the portrait. You will find a street lamp and a person. The steam emerging from the train form the hair of the portrait. Amazing right? Definitely it is.

category : AMAZING | ART

Optical Illusion : F!@#ing Rats

This shadow illusion has been created by artists Tim Noble and Sue Webster. What might appear as scraped welded metal to the naked eyes is a bit mischievous when you look through the artists eyes. For that, you just have to light up a torch and throw the light on the metal keeping it close to the wall. What do you see now? You see two rats f!@#ing each other. Now that's a little bit creepy. We bet nobody saw that coming when they looked at the metal waste. But that's what art is all about. These artists have done an amazing job at that.

Optical Illusion : Coiled Wire Shadow

Nobody could have imagined anything if he was given this coiled wire. In no way can you understand anything about it till you throw light at it and watch the shadow. We are sure if you experienced it live, you would have been shocked to see the shadow. What you thought was nothing actually can drop a shadow pronouncing a word loudly to you. As you can see on the wall, the word somewhere is clear. An artist actually crafted it out on the wire and the result is outstanding. Can you try something like this yourself?

category : AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Weird Triangle

If you look in the center region of this image, you will see that the things are moving endlessly. The lines appear to be flickering and it won't stop. We assure you that it is a plain image file with no in built animations. The way the pattern has been put together creates a virtual animation effect that is perceived by our eyes. Did you enjoy this illusion? Do not forget to share it with your friends.

category : TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Hidden Woman Face

Here is another painting optical illusion for guys who love this sub category. What this painting portrays is the grey mountains and warriors. You can see one on the horse and three others. But among all this, there is a face that has been composed using all these elements. If you look carefully you can find where. The whole painting seems to be a portrait once you are able to recognize the face in it. The face is of an old woman. The horse acting as the nose and the horse rider acting as one of the eye. You will be able to trace the entire face now.

category : ART | FACE

Optical Illusion : Hidden Face in Snowy Mountains

This is a beautiful picture of snow covered mountains. Who would not love to spend some time of their vacation right there? But the mountains are hiding a face. Can you spot it? On the left portion of the image, if you look with concentration, you will be able to find it. Moreover, the face is actually a laughing face. The snow portions is also acting as teeth and is giving an illusion that the person is laughing actually.

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