Optical Illusion : Eating the Cloud

This is as simple as a cloud illusion can get. You don't need anything specific and just a little cloud hanging in the sky in front of you. Next you need a camera and someone who can click a nice picture and can guide you with the position of your mouth and hand. What you see here is just a play of perspective. Since, the man is close to the camera, the cloud appears to be a tiny object which as per his gesture, he is trying to eat.

category : ANAMORPHIC


Optical Illusion : Classic Trippy Roller

Can you see the pattern rolling as if there were three giant rollers rolling simultaneously? Try to run your eyes from left to right and back and see the miracle happen.

category : TRIPPY | MOVING

Optical Illusion : Popular Rolling Waves

You don't have to move or tilt your head. Hold it still. Now just scroll this page up and down. What do you see?

Optical Illusion : Blowing People Off Hand

Most of you must have already seen this illusion on social networking sites. It is one of the extremely popular ones and serves as a perfect example. This is how the perspective and distance can be used to create a magical snap. Obviously, the people are far off than the man and that is the reason why they are looking so small. Rest, it is just the creativity of the photographer which makes this illusion a stunning one.

Optical Illusion : Amazing Blur Shift

Are you ready for an amazing illusion guys? Before looking at the image, do read the instructions first. Yu can see two lighthouses in the image below. There is a visible partition between the two images. You would be easily able to notice that the right image is sharper than the left one. Now just concentrate on the right (sharper one). Very soon, you will find that it will turn blurred and now the left image will turn sharper. Go on and try the same with the left image and you will now see it blurred while the other will appear sharper.

category : LOGIC | AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Faded Colors

This colorful image is not as simple as it may seem. There is an amazing illusion sitting right there waiting for you to explore it. So without waiting any further, let us tell you what you have to do. Just look at the image and now move your head forward without taking your eyes off. Stop at a certain distance and now move your head back again. While you will be moving your head back and forth you will notice that the size or the area covered by specific colors will increase and decrease. Cool right? Do not forget to share this amazing illusion with your friends.

category : LOGIC | COOL

Optical Illusion : Paris, Je T'aime Movie Poster

If you are fond of love stories, Paris, Je T'aime is a movie made for you. This is an interesting poster for the movie now. To glorify the true nature of the movie, you can see a red heart but what is it made up of? They are Eifel Towers stacked up in the formation of a heart. Justifies that the movie is based in Paris right? Do you ever wonder how these artist gets these awesome ideas for the movie posters?

category : COOL | ART

Optical Illusion : Beautiful Flowers or Beautiful Face

We are sure that you must have seen similar illusions all over the internet. But we could not help but add this illusion. It is quite simple but at the same time defines the true meaning of ambiguous illusions. But let us clarify that it is an art and not an original picture. Can you perceive both flowers and a face in this picture? We really liked how a butterfly is also added into the picture which is adding details to the perception of the face. Probably without it, the illusion might not have been looked as effective as it is looking now.

Optical Illusion : The Pissing Kid

Now you can't help but laugh or smile at this illusion. We don't need to tell you what you are looking at do we? Our guess is a sprinkler just behind the kid that is responsible for the final illusion that you are looking at. The person who has clicked this picture has done a good job. The angle is perfect and the timing is spot on. Poor kid does not know that he is being captured to create a funny illusion and he seems so happy to be a part of it.

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : Dirty Licking Guy

We are not sure how many people were aware while this snap was taken that the final output can be something like this. Clearly, it appears that the Guy is actually licking (where? We don't need to spell that do we?). But the fact is that he is actually lying near the camera and the granny is sitting at some distance. But the camera angle has actually made it look as if both are close to each other. This guy will surely be fuming up after watching this image. But what can be done? He is already popular now on so many sites probably.

Optical Illusion : Cloud Trails from Fingers

Seems like these four fingers created those trails in the otherwise clear blue sky. Creative right? Lucky? Yeah maybe. It is difficult to find such cloud line ups. But of course, someone might have digitally modified things to his own interest. Whatever it may be, the output result is impressive and encouraging for the people who like to create such illusions. Probably you will keep it in mind next time you come across such clouds.

category : ANAMORPHIC

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