Optical Illusion : Disappearing Blue Circle

You can see the faded blue circle very well right? Now just stare at the red dot in the middle for some time. Did the blue circle just disappear? But it was right there. Wait it is still there. Sometimes, the illusions are characterized by what we perceive rather than what is real. In such cases, your eyes sees something and your brain sees something else. This illusion is a great example of such illusions.

category : LOGIC


Optical Illusion : Popular Parallel Lines

How many of these lines are parallel?

Optical Illusion : Vibrating Pink Pattern

This illusion has no installed brakes. It keeps on vibrating constantly even if you look at it for a sec or for a minute. But at just a couple of seconds, you may perceive a spiral as well. This spiral does not rotate at a specific direction enhancing the trippy nature of the image. Were you able to spot that spiral? Did you notice something else too? Mention your experience in t7he comments section.

category : COOL | TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Imbalanced See-Saw

Carefully look at the see-saw picture below. You will find that it is slanted towards the triangle. This is probably due to the weight of the triangle kept on the right side. So go ahead and measure the distance between the see-saw and the base and get ready to be amazed. The distance will obviously be equal as this see-saw is not imbalanced but perfectly balanced. You see it slant due to the across lined texture drawn opposite in the base and the see-saw plane. It forms an illusion that things are imbalanced.

Optical Illusion : Staircase that can't Exists

We remember putting a staircase paradox back in time. Well, this one is much more impressive and conveys the paradox nature in a more explanatory manner. Just for the fun of it, try and follow these stairs and see where you reach. Are you surprised by the fact that even after climbing the steps, you are practically on the same level? But it looked pretty alright in the beginning. So can you try and create such a figure in real world? You won't be able to as this figure is impossible in real world. You can't create steps that meet on the very same level from where they started.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Amazing Sun Balloon

Now this looks so impressive. Excellent work done by the photographer and we applause for the mind which thought of this idea. You can see that it looks like someone is holding a balloon in his hand. The thing he is holding can be a wire or a plastic molded stick. Attached to it is the sun (the real sun). The distance of the person from the camera is so close that the sun fits in the picture accurately and offers a good proportion. The placement of the stick is perfect and the background is amazing.

Optical Illusion : Uninvolved in Peace

Now the UN people will be angered by looking at this picture. Clearly the board behind this man reads - Involved in Peace and there is the logo below that as well. The man wearing the helmet is having UN written on his helmet. But when he is standing at the current place and when the photograph is taken from this angle, it looks like he is stating that he is Uninvolved in Peace. It's funny how sometimes you are not even aware of these things when the pictures are clicked. But sometimes you do it deliberately as well. So which was it Mr. Photographer.

Optical Illusion : Creative Divorce Lawyer Ad

Now this is one of the most innovative ad we have ever seen. To reach the second floor, one will take the lift and will see a happy newly married couple on the elevator door. But wait. What will he see once the door opens? The happy couple split to give away a board on the other end where the name and profession of the divorce lawyer is present. Now, this advertisement is the work of an illusion as you can see it was not possible without the opening doors that create an illusion that the couple is separating. Clever and unique we must say.

Optical Illusion : Realistic Well Sketch

Look at the fine details of this amazing simple looking sketch. Other than the 3s sketching of the well, the artist thought of including his pencil in the sketch as well. Well, is the pencil real or even that has been painted? We believe it is real and the artist simply sketched its shadow on the paper. Ultimately, it is creating even more depth in the picture. This is an amazing sketch and even not a complicated one at that.

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Girly Legged Man

What is wrong with this man? He looks perfectly fine till you reach the waist portion. It actually feels more like a girl's pic. Is he abnormal? If no, then what has gone wrong here? Actually if you look at the face of his wife and then relate the body that you are looking with her, you will know what's wrong. It is actually her body that you see. The guy's body is behind her with black shorts and white tee. The way they are overlapping each other has made it look like what you are perceiving.

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : Hidden Face in Waves

Now we do believe that all of you must have experienced this quite often if you live on the coastlines. When you look at the waves, it often occurs that some shapes and even face some times is formed by the waves. What you are looking here is a touched up image and alterations have been done to bring out a proper face. It looks amazing. In real life, this type of illusion is much subtle without forming the detailed expressions.

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