Optical Illusion : Clouds from Kettle's Mouth

How about a hot tea in the chilly winters? But wait, this kettle is so amazing. Instead of the vapors of the hot tea, it is emitting out the clouds. This illusion is a proof that we can find elements to create an illusion all around us. The one who clicked this picture merely had a thought after watching a cloud overhead and converted a simple cloud into an interesting illusion. We do hope you can create a lot more such illusions.

category : TRICKY | COOL


Optical Illusion : Spring Water into a Cup

Such an illusion is pretty common with the masses. We are sure many of you must have tried to create a similar illusion whenever you went to a hill station or for hiking and you came across a spring or a waterfall. This child does it right but the credit goes to the one who clicked this pic with a perfect angle. It do appears that the spring water is directly being collected into the cup.

category : COOL | PERCEPTION

Optical Illusion : Amazing Skateboarding Car

You might have seen many people skateboarding and even perform stunts on the board. But have you ever found any car skateboarding? This is exactly what this illusion tries to show us. So is it a toy car? What if we say no? The truth is that it indeed is not a toy car. But then how is it standing over the skateboard? The reason here is the placement of both skateboard and the car. The skateboard is right in the front of the camera while the car is standing far ahead. This is the reason why it appears so small. And yes, the camera angle plays an important role too.

Optical Illusion : Creepy Golfing

At the first look you might take it as just a normal image. A person is golfing and there is water with splashes of water. Most of you might have had it till here only at the first look. But can you now concentrate on the splashes of water a bit more? If you see it now, you will be terrified of what you see. For those who were not able to see, the splashes form a scary image of a wolf man or a devil. It's up to you what you see. We are not sure if this is a real image or someone has brushed it up in Photoshop but it is definitely worth adding to our list.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Scary Paper Bag

At the first glance, you must have felt like the picture had really come to life. This is purely a work of creativity. If you realize, there is always a gap in every poly bag or paper bag where you slide in your fingers to hold the bag. The artist has simply used that space to depict the mouth of the woman. Thus the person who is holding it by inserting the fingers inside the gap is not even aware of the fact that from a distance it looks like the lady printed on the bag is actually eating her hand. Did you like this illusion? Do share among your friends if you did.

category : FUNNY | ART

Optical Illusion : Waterfall Crafting Mother Nature

This is an amazing picture. The waterfall has crafted Mother Nature into the rocks. It feels like she is diving inside the sea along with the falling water. The entire face and hands joined above the head are visible clearly. Some of you might say that the image has been tweaked to define the shape. It can be possible as the source is unknown to us. But the illusion is impressive and can be purely a nature's art as well.

Optical Illusion : Wiping Man's Nose

Now this is one of the hilarious ones. Excellent timing we must say. It appears like the man who is wiping the poster clean is actually wiping his nose or scratching it. The expressions of the man in the picture makes it look so much realistic. It appears as if he is being irritate by the man who is wiping as he is picking on his nose. Of course, he is just cleaning the poster and he does not even know that he is being clicked at this particular moment. But we are sure he will have a good laugh after someone shows him this picture.

Optical Illusion : Maleficent Carving

You all must be familiar with the famous fairy tale character Maleficent. Recently Disney also released a movie based on it, which told us the alternate story of the cursed witch. The witch you see in the front is Maleficent only and on the back you can see a dragon emitting out fire through his mouth and finally offering a great background to the standing witch. The art comprises of minute carvings over the pumpkin's surface. Of course a lot of patience was required to create such a fine piece but in the end, the hard work paid off well as the result is outstanding.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Women Crafted with Flowers

What an amazing job by the artist. He has used flowers and leaves to craft a woman's portrait. This is just amazing in every sense and looks so beautiful. The facial details are so great and yet it all appears to be emerging through the petals of flowers. Other than a top notch imagination, this painting speaks of an unparalleled talent of the artist. We are sure you loved this illusion painting. So what are you waiting for? Start sharing it among your friends and make them fall into admiration as well.

category : AMAZING | ART

Optical Illusion : Abnormally Long Arms

Whoa! The girl in center has certainly grown abnormally long arms. They are reaching to the extreme ends. Seems like she has gained the superpower from fantastic four movie. Jokes apart, what is happening here? Actually her right hand is resting on the shoulder of the second girl to her right and the hand that you see ahead in actually the hand of that girl. They are aligned in the same line which is giving out this effect. The same is happening on her left side. The combined effect is that we perceive abnormally long arms.

Optical Illusion : Hidden Face in Waves

Now we do believe that all of you must have experienced this quite often if you live on the coastlines. When you look at the waves, it often occurs that some shapes and even face some times is formed by the waves. What you are looking here is a touched up image and alterations have been done to bring out a proper face. It looks amazing. In real life, this type of illusion is much subtle without forming the detailed expressions.

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