Mind Teasers : Real Smart Riddle

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One day I went to a bar and order some drinks for myself and then I ask for the bill. Suddenly I notice I don't have the cash to pay the bill of Rs. 2000. :-(
I watched that a nearby guy is a big show-off and he is telling his friends about the bet he won the last time he is around. I approached him and asked for a bet that, If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper, then he has to give me Rs. 2000. The show-off guy accepts the challenge.

In the end, I won and the other guy needs to pay the bill

What I have written?


Mind Teasers : Beer Cap Rebus Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

What does below beer cap means?

category : REBUS | PICTURE

Mind Teasers : Eight Eights Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Using eight eights and addition only, can you make 1000?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Sherlock Holmes Anne Cipher Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Anne was found dead in the central park of London.
There are six suspects "hazard", "Costa", "Pedro", "Willian", "Terry" and "courtois".

Anne has written the murdered name in cipher on the floor as "dqvxf".

Police were unable to solve the mystery so they called Sherlock.
After a minute, Sherlock was able to decipher the cipher and ask the police to capture the murderer.

Who is the murderer?

category : MYSTERY

Mind Teasers : Logical Arrangement Bonfire Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

30 classmates went for a bonfire. While sitting around the fire, they decided to play a game. To play it, they divided themselves into 5 teams in a way that there were 5 rows having 7 people each.

How can this arrangement be possible while sitting around the bonfire?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Murder Mystery Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A homicide detective is called upon a crime scene. He finds that a body is lying on the ground in front of a multistory building. By all the means, it looks like a simple suicide case. But there are doubts in his mind.

He goes to the first floor and moves into the room facing the direction of the body. He opens the window in that direction and looks down towards his team. The he goes to the second floor and again moves into the room facing that direction, opens the window and looks down at his team.

He continues with the same process till the top floor. After that, he returns back to where his team is standing. He tells them that it is a suicide.

How did he come to such a conclusion?

Mind Teasers : Difficult Brain Twister

Difficulty Popularity

A strange tradition is followed in an orthodox and undeveloped village. The chief of the village collects taxes from all the males of the village yearly. But it is the method of taking taxes that is interesting.

The taxes paid in the form of grains and every male should pay equal pounds corresponding to his age. In simpler terms, a man aged 10 years will have to pay 10 pounds of grains and a 20 years old will be paying 20 pounds of grain.

The chief stands on a riser containing 7 different weights next to a large 2 pan scale. As per the interesting custom, the chief can only weigh using three of the seven weights.

In such a scenario, can you calculate what must be the weights of the seven weights each and who is the oldest man the chief can measure using those weights?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Perfect Number Maths Question

Difficulty Popularity

A perfect number is defined as a positive number(integer) which is equal to the sum of its positive divisors excluding the number itself.

two examples are mentioned below as :
6 => 1+2+3
12=> 1+2+3+6

Can you find another perfect number which consist of <= 2digits.
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Simple Matchstick Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You can see that four match sticks have been joined in the given figure to form one square.

Can you form five squares using six matchsticks ?

Mind Teasers : NewsPaper Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A newspaper is supposed to have 60 pages.Pages 14 and 21 are missing from the newspaper.

Can you tell me , Which other pages won't be there as well ?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Hidden Bird In Snow Picture Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find the hidden bird in the picture (winter time) below?

category : PICTURE

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