Mind Teasers : Missing $1 Riddle

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This is a classic riddle.
I spend $50 in the way below. Where is my missing $1

category : LOGIC | TRICK


Mind Teasers : Police Investigating Murder Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A couple went to river rafting on a hill station. Two days after their departure, the husband returned alone. He informed the police that her wife was swept away by the waves and died.

On the next day, police arrived to his doorstep and when he opened the door, they arrested him for murdering his wife. They told him that his travel agent had called them.

He was shocked. How did the travel agent know about the murder? Can you suggest how did he know ?

Mind Teasers : Quick Fire Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There is uniqueness between these five names
Nell Edna swati itaws and Ellen.

what uniqueness am i talking about ?

Mind Teasers : Prime Number < 100 Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you list all the prime numbers than 100 which when divided by 5 leaves an odd remainder?
category : MATHS

Mind Teasers : Hard Logic Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

There are 100 doors. 100 strangers have been gathered in the adjacent room. The first one goes and opens every door. The second one goes and shuts down all the even numbered doors – second, fourth, sixth... and so on. The third one goes and reverses the current position of every third door (third, sixth, ninth… and so on.) i.e. if the door is open, he shuts it and if the door is shut, he switches opens it. All the 100 strangers progresses in the similar fashion.

After the last person has done what he wanted, which doors will be left open and which ones will be shut at the end?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Game Of Dice Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A unique solo game of dice is being played. Two dices are thrown in each turn and the scores are taken by multiplying the numbers obtained.

Now talking about a particular game, here are the facts:
1) The score for the second roll is five more than the score for the first roll.
2) The score for the third roll is six less than the score for the second roll.
3) The score for the fourth roll is eleven more than the score for the third roll.
4) The score for the fifth roll is eight less than the score for the fourth roll.

Reading the above facts, can you tell the score for each of the five throws?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Ten From Nine Toothpicks Trick Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

If you were asked to pick nine toothpicks and make them ten without breaking any of them, how will you do it?

Mind Teasers : The Girl Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You see a beautiful girl sitting. You can't sit on her place even if she standup and the leave the place.

Where is she sitting?

category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Cool Equation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

If 1 + 9 + 11 = 1, Then what is the value of

12 + 11 + 9 = ?

Mind Teasers : Statement Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Christanio Ronaldo is a strange liar.

He lies on six days of the week, but on the seventh day he always tells the truth.

He made the following statements on three successive days:

Day 1: 'I lie on Monday and Tuesday.'
Day 2: 'Today, it's Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday.'
Day 3: 'I lie on Wednesday and Friday.'

On which day does Christanio Ronaldo tell the truth?

Mind Teasers : Decrypt Password Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A person has uncovered a secret that was a mystery for ages. He transfers the data into his hard drive and encrypts the drive with a password. Then, he writes a line on a paper to remember the password.

The line says 'You force heaven to be empty'.

Can you decrypt the line to reveal the password if you know that the password is seven characters long that comprise of just letters and numbers?
category : LOGIC | CIPHER

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