Mind Teasers : Decode Statement Puzzle

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yyyy u r, yyyyy u b, i c u r y+y 4 Me
category : CIPHER


Mind Teasers : Draw Direction Problem

Difficulty Popularity

B is to the North-East of D; A is to the North-East of C; C is to the West of D; E is to the South-West of D and to the South of C; and A is to the north of D and in line with B.

Can you find out in which direction of E is B located?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Quick Fire Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There is uniqueness between these five names
Nell Edna swati itaws and Ellen.

what uniqueness am i talking about ?

Mind Teasers : The Better Proposal Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A 12-year footballer Lavy was offered a contract with a club name "Flyball" that if he will practice 1 hour extra after school he will be offered 11$ after every week.
Lavy, however, suggested an alternative paid method in which
He will be paid just a penny on his first day.
Two pence will be paid on the second day,
Four pence will be paid on the third day.
And so on till 11th day.

Should the club accept the offer of Lavy?

category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Password Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Angelina Jolie is trapped in a tomb. The only way to escape is figure out a 13 character password. Following are the five clues that are available to her.

Precisely two of the below statements are false.
The password is confined within this sentence.
The password is not in this hint.
The password is inside only one of these statements.
At least one of the above statement is a lie.
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Move 3 MatchSticks Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You need to divide area in the picture below into two equal parts by using exactly three match sticks. Can you do it?

Mind Teasers : Connect Nodes Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you connect the nodes between them based on the value of the node?

Note: Inside the first node there is a value of 1 which means that this node is connected to just one node

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

Mind Teasers : Situation Problem

Difficulty Popularity

On a windy rainy night , I was driving in my car.
When i reach the bus stand , i see three people waiting for the bus.

1. An old lady who needs an immediate medical attention
2. My Best Friend
3. Girl whom i love from childhood

My car is a two seater, so can you tell me , what i have done in this situation ?
category : LOGIC | SITUATION

Mind Teasers : Pizza Cost Math Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Jasmine, Thibault, and Noah were having a night out and decided to order a pizza for $10. It turned out that Jasmine and Thibault were hungrier than Noah. They both ate 6 slices a piece, and Noah got to eat just 2 slices.

Now they want to do a fair split of money. The problem is that none of them have coins with them. Thus, they want to round off the cost to nearest dollar.

What will be the correct way to do it?

What if the pizza's cost was $11?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Most Popular Logical Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Outside a room there are three light switches. One of switch is connected to a light bulb inside the room.
Each of the three switches can be either 'ON' or 'OFF'.

You are allowed to set each switch the way you want it and then enter the room(note: you can enter the room only once)

Your task is to then determine which switch controls the bulb ??
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Who Am I Hot Cold Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I am hot but if you remove first two alphabets then I will become really cold. Who am I ?

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