Do you desire of just Maths Puzzles and Riddles whenever you are in search of brain teasers? If that is the case, you have landed on the appropriate page. We at GPuzzles.Com have collected all kind of Maths Puzzle and Riddles and posted them under the same branch so it is easy for the readers to start picking them up one by one. Do keep looking at the page as we are constantly updating our database and you will definitely find some new puzzles updated with time.

#181 - Count Boxes Math Question

Difficulty Popularity

A man can place 6 large boxes or 9 boxes inside a carton. Can you calculate in how many cartons can he place 66 boxes ?
category : MATHS

#182 - Calculate Ages Maths Question

Difficulty Popularity

A family comprises of a man, his son and his grandson.
The collective age (sum) of the man, his son and his grandson is 140 years.
The age of grandson in months is equal to the man in years.
The age of the grandson is equal to the son in weeks.

Can you calculate the ages of all three?
category : MATHS

#183 - Find Hours Math Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Murphy and Cooper are having the same amount of petrol in the petrol tanks of their respective cars. Murphy can drive for four hours with that amount whole Cooper can drive for five hours.

They both starts together and keep driving for a few hours. After some time, they find that the amount of petrol remaining in one car is four times that of the other car.

Using all these facts, can you find out how long they drove their cars?

#184 - How Many Tea Math Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

If one and a half women, drink one and a half tea in one and a half minutes.

How many tea can 9 women drink in 3 minutes ?
category : MATHS

#185 - Which Time Is Greater Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

'P'refers to the number of seconds in a day and 'Q'refers to the number of hours in ten years. Which quantity out of these two is greater?
PS: The ten years also contains two leap years.
category : MATHS

#186 - Algebra Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You can find an odd multiplication in the figure. All the letters present in the figure can be referred to an integer to make the solution true.

Can you disclose the digits behind each letter if you know that similar letters contain similar digit values ?

category : MATHS | EQUATION

#187 - Identify Number Fact Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Identify a number which when multiplied by itself gives the result as 12345678987654321.
category : TRIVIA | MATHS

#188 - Number FAQ Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

There is an integer, which holds a very special property. If you subtract any number from that integer, the resultant is exactly divisible by the successor of that number.

Can you find out that integer?
category : TRIVIA | MATHS

#189 - Easy Maths Age Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Adam spent 1/6 of his lifetime in adolescence. His facial hair started growing after 1/12 more of his life. He successfully married his girlfriend Diana after 1/7 more of his life. Their son was born after 5 years from then. The son lived just 1/2 of what Adam lived. Adam dies four years after his son died.

How long did Adam live ?
category : MATHS

#190 - Distance Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

In a village, there are four tribes located at different distances from each other. Tribe R is 60 miles away from Tribe P; Tribe S 40 miles away from Tribe B and Tribe R is 10 miles nearer to the Tribe S than it is to Tribe Q.

How far is the Tribe S located from the tribe P ?

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