#11 - Count Minutes In February 2017

Difficulty Popularity

Can you count the number of minutes in Feb 2017?

Note: Shortest answer is the winner :-)

#12 - How Many Seconds In A Year Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Without the use of calculation, can you find how many seconds are there in a year ?

#13 - Identify Number Fact Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Identify a number which when multiplied by itself gives the result as 12345678987654321.
category : TRIVIA | MATHS

#14 - Famous Number 8549176320 Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Number 8549176320 is so unique.

Why ?
category : TRIVIA | RIDDLE

#15 - What English Word Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find a 10 letter word in English language which can be typed using only the 1st rows of the computer keyboard ?

#16 - Most Popular English Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Find the smallest sentence with all the english alphabets.
category : TRIVIA | RIDDLE

#17 - Comedy Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

who is silent in the parliament.

#18 - Funny Days Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There are four days which start with the letter 'T'.
Two of them are "Tuesday , Thursday".

Can you name rest two ?
category : TRIVIA | RIDDLE

#19 - Famous Song Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Michael Jackson was sitting in a bar feeling somehow poor.
He sees Bill Gates(very rich man) next to him.

He turns to the rich man and says to him, 'I am so talented that I know almost every song that has ever been thinking of'.

bill gates laugh.
Michael says 'I am willing to bet you all the money you have in your wallet that I can sing a genuine song with a lady's name of your choice in it.'

Bill gates laughs again and says, 'OK, how about my daughter's name "Jennifer Katharine gates" .

What song did he sing to win the bet ?

#20 - World First Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

World's most debatable question.

What came first, the egg or chicken ?

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