How about you go through some Mind Boggling Riddles for a change? This section of riddles by our team can offer you the change you always wanted. Beware, as they can be really tough to solve as well. All you need to solve these Mind Boggling Riddles is to run your mind in myriad directions. You might not even able to understand these riddles in one go and thus the name Mind Boggling. Get ready to face some twisted riddles.

#31 - Classic Barber Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

There are two barber shop in a small town – one located in the eastern market and the other on the northern market. The shop in the eastern market is quite untidy and the barber has a shabby haircut. While the shop in the northern market is quite neat and clean and the barber is sporting an excellent haircut himself.

Which of the two shops will any foreign visitor opt for?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#32 - Matchsticks Picture Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

In the figure given below, you can see that there are five squares. Supposedly if this figure is formed using different matchsticks (refer the slight gap between matchsticks), can you remove just two matchsticks so that only two squares remain ?

#33 - Lateral thinking picture puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

In the given picture, you can find a few numbers. Now you have to fill each square of the grid in a manner that every row and every column contains the digits 1 to 6. Another thing to keep in mind is that the connected squares must have the same number in them.

Do you accept the challenging task?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#34 - Homicide Detective Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A homicide detective is called at a crime scene. A man is lying dead in front of the building and seeking the position of the windows on the building and the position in which the body is lying, it is evident that the man jumped out from one of them and committed suicide.

The detective asks his team to collect the traces if they can find any on the body and heads towards the building. He goes to the first floor and towards the room that is on the front side. Inside the room, he lights a cigarette, walks towards the window facing the dead body, opens the window and throws out the cigarette. He then goes to the second floor and repeats the same process.

He keeps doing the same thing till he is done with all the floors and then takes the lift to the ground floor. Upon reaching there, he informs the team that it is not a suicide but a murder.

While the whole team is shocked to hear the revelation, he lights another cigarette and takes a hard puff.

How do you think he found out that it was a not a suicide?
category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

#35 - Three Errors In Sentence Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Can you fynd three errors in that puzzle?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#36 - Sports Cricket Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Shihar Dhawan and Virat Kohli were batting on 94.
Seven runs were required to win by the team and only three balls were left.

At the end, both of them secured a century without being out.

How can this be feasible?
category : LOGIC

#37 - what will come in place of the question mark

Difficulty Popularity

1 3 5
2 4 ?

Do you know what will come in place of ?

We must tell you that its not 6.
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#38 - How Many Seconds In A Year Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Without the use of calculation, can you find how many seconds are there in a year ?

#39 - Wine Bottle Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A lab scientist has nine bottles of wine. However, he used one of the bottles in an experiment and is currently poisoned. The poison is deadly and only one sip will make any living being die instantly.

So how can a lab scientist can find the poisoned wine bottle by using just two mice labs.
category : LOGIC

#40 - Classic Card Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A pack of cards has 52 cards. You are blindfolded. Out of 52, 42 cards are facing down while 10 are facing up. You have been asked to divide this pack of cards into two decks - so that each deck contains an equal number of face up cards. Remember, you are blindfolded.

How will you do it?
category : LOGIC

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