We have compiled a list of classic puzzles/riddles/brain-teasers in month of March.

#21 - Hobbit Movie Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

* Roots are possessed but not visible.
* Height is taller than the tallest trees.
* High up in the sky it goes.
* And yet certainly it never grows?
category : WHAT AM I

#22 - Best Thinking Brain Teaser Ever

Difficulty Popularity

Three men are living in a desert namely – Alex, Brian and Chris.

Alex hates Chris and thus he decides to kill him. To succeed in his evil intentions, he poison the water supply of Chris. Since they are living in desert, he will have to drink water or he will die of thirst.

Brian is not aware of the actions of Alex and he plans to kill Chris as well. To do this, he killed the water supply of Chris.

Chris dies due to his thirst. Who killed him?

#23 - IAS Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

I need to divide numbers from 1 to 9 into two group such that sum of numbers in one group is equal to the sum of other group.
Note : 6 cannot be flipped over to make it 9.
category : LOGIC

#24 - Perfect Number Maths Question

Difficulty Popularity

A perfect number is defined as a positive number(integer) which is equal to the sum of its positive divisors excluding the number itself.

two examples are mentioned below as :
6 => 1+2+3
12=> 1+2+3+6

Can you find another perfect number which consist of <= 2digits.
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#25 - Intel Logical Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Chanu bought an ice cream cone having 5 different flavor scoop.
The five flavors in random order are Jamaica, nutty-chocolate, peppermint, walnut and orange

These are some hints to help identify the puzzled reader to determine the order of flavor from top to bottom.
1. The bottom flavor of the cone has 7 letters.
2. The walnut scoop is at between Jamaica and the nutty-chocolate scoop.
3. walnut is above the orange scoop but below the nutty-chocolate scoop.

So can you figure out the flavor of ice cream in order from top to bottom?

category : LOGIC

#26 - Draw To Complete Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

After teaching his class all about roman numerals (X = 10, IX=9 and so on) the teacher asked his class to draw a single continuous line and turn IX into 6. The only stipulation the teacher made was that the pen could not be lifted from the paper until the line was complete.

#27 - Unfinished Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What work can one never finish ?
category : TRIVIA | RIDDLE

#28 - Death Mystery Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Two men are in a desert. They both have packs on. One of the guys is dead. The guy who is alive has his pack open, the guy who is dead has his pack closed.

What is in the pack?
category : TRICK | RIDDLE

#29 - Funny Maths Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

If you had a pizza with crust thickness 'a' and radius 'z', what's the volume of the pizza?
category : HUMOUR | MATHS

#30 - Answer This Riddle Instantly

Difficulty Popularity

If you multiply all the numbers on your mobile phone , what is the answer?

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