Who said that all the riddles are deprived of logic? Brace yourself as you read the following Logic Riddles brought to you by GPuzzles.Com. Now being smart won't be everything you need as you will need to shake up your brains to find the answers to the following Logic Riddles.

#631 - Tic Tac Toe Winning Strategy Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Let's just say that we are playing tic-tac-toe in a different manner. You all must be quite familiar with the game. Only, we have changed the rules slightly. Refer the picture. There are white and black markers instead of the usual circle and cross. They just represent two different people. Each player gets to play just three times. After that, he can only move the markers from one square to the adjacent empty square.

For example, if you see the figure, you will find that now, if it's white's turn, he can move from 6 to 3. And then whatever the black player may do, the next move that white will play will be moving the marker from 5 to 2 and he will win the game (three in a row).

Now, you have to acknowledge everything and decide that if both the players are playing with the perfect strategy, will the white player (the first to play) be the winner always? Or the black can win? Or they can lead the game to a draw every time?

category : LOGIC

#632 - Brain Teasing Statement

Difficulty Popularity

Britney tells truth only once a week. Below are a few hints for you:

First Hint: Days are Sunday, Monday and so on.
Second Hint: One day she says that she lies on Monday and Tuesday.
Third Hint: On the next day she says, 'Today is either Thursday, Saturday or Sunday'.
Fourth Hint: On the next day, she says that she lies on Wednesday and Friday.

Can you find out on which day does Britney speaks truth ?

#633 - Really Easy Kids Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

While going to a grocery store with your mom, you counted exactly fourteen houses on your right side. While returning back to home, you counted fourteen houses on your left side.

How many houses are there between your house and the grocery store?

#634 - Tricky Square Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

You have a square paper with you. You can cut it like you want and you have to come up with a Red Cross symbol as shown in the figure. The only thing is that the volume of both figures should be same. Can you do it?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#635 - Hard Time Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

See to the attached picture with the question. It represents as pocket watch that has been rotated. The colored lines represents the hands of the watch. If you are told that the time is somewhere in the afternoon, can you tell the correct time?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#636 - Contradict Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

The following statement is true. The preceding statement is false.

What are these sentences? True or False?
category : LOGIC

#637 - Short Story Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

An old man was dying and so he called his three sons. He gave them equal money and ask them to buy something that can fill their living room entirely. He told them that he will give all his money and property to the son who is able to do this task as asked.

The first son buys sticks and tries to fill the room but he falls short of sticks. The second sun buys straw but he also falls short of filling the room. The third son buys only two things and he is able to fill the room completely and thus earns all the property and money.

What did he buy?
category : LOGIC | STORY

#638 - Long Funny Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A child is called by the principal of the school along with his parents. The principal complains to his parents that he remains absent for most of the days from school. On being asked by the parents, the child forms an innocent face and blurts out the following:

There is not enough time to attend the school for me. Doctors say that a child must sleep for eight hours every day and so I sleep for 122 days a year (8 hours each day for 365 days). The weekends are officially off and thus in a year, the school remains shut for 104 days. The school gives us 60 days of summer holidays off every year. I chew my food adequately and thus it takes me an hour for each meal adding to 3 hours every day or 45 days in a year. For keeping me physically and mentally fit, I spend 2 hours daily in exercise and recreational activities which adds to 30 days a year. If you add all these days, you will get 361 days and thus I am left with just 4 days to attend the school.

The parents and principal are baffled by hearing it. Where do you think the child is miscalculating as this is certainly not feasible?

#639 - Easy Logic Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Rhea goes to a jeweler with four 3-link chains and asks him to join them together to make a 12-link chain. On a normal day, he would make 4 cuts and will join them together for making a 12-link chain. But today he is feeling clever and he finds a new way to link them which will require less cuts.

How did he do it?
category : LOGIC

#640 - Long Logic Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You and Me are playing bets. I take $10 from you and that begins our game. I shuffle the deck of cards (52 cards normal deck) and take out four random cards out of it. Now I place the cards in front of you with face down. Then I turn over the first card. You can either keep it or you can ask me to open the second card. When I turn the second card, you have the same options again till I open the third card. If you deny to keep it, you must take the fourth card no matter what the card is.

Now if the card you choose has n value, I will give you $n and we will keep on playing like this till the end of the day. You may feel that this is completely over the chance. But there is a nice strategy which will allow you to win.

Can you find out the strategy so that by the end of the day you have won a decent amount?
category : LOGIC

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