Who said that all the riddles are deprived of logic? Brace yourself as you read the following Logic Riddles brought to you by GPuzzles.Com. Now being smart won't be everything you need as you will need to shake up your brains to find the answers to the following Logic Riddles.

#551 - Easy Logic Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

There are three tins filled with 100 toffees each of different sizes. Suzie takes all the 100 toffees from one box and hides them in her room. But when her sister looks at the tins, each of them still have 100 toffees.

How is that possible?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#552 - Sailor Logic Trick Teaser Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Two sailors sailing in a ship were standing on the opposite sides of the ship. One was looking at the east and the other was looking at the west. But still, they could clearly see each other.

How can that be possible?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#553 - Civil Service Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

A girl candidate went for an interview. While being asked some aptitude questions, she was suddenly asked by the interviewer, 'What if you wake up one morning only to find out that you are pregnant?'

She was shocked to hear the question and could not reply. Do you think she could have come up with a smart answer?

#554 - Good Science Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Suppose there are two cogwheels in a box. The bigger wheel has twenty four teeth while the smaller one has eight. The bigger one is firmly attached on the center of the box (so it can’t turn or move) and the smaller one rotates around it.

Can you tell the number of times it will turn around the big one when comparing with the box when it turns once?
category : LOGIC | SCIENCE

#555 - Tricky Logical Problem

Difficulty Popularity

The train A left from point P for point Q at 80 kmph. Exactly after half an hour, train B left from point Q for point P at 60 kmph.

Can you calculate which of the trains from A and B will be further from point P when they meet?

#556 - Logic Clock Time Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

There is an antique clock exhibition. So many clock are piled up with distinct numbers tagged with them. The person managing it hangs different clocks numbers periodically on the main wall. At 9:20 am, he hung the clock number 200; at 11:00 am, he hung the clock number 30; at 4:00 pm, he hung the clock number 240.

Which numbered clock will he hang on the wall when the time is 7:30pm ?

#557 - IQ Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

You have landed at the finale of an IQ championship. In this round, you are asked to pick up seven cones and place them in a manner that there are exactly six rows of cones in a straight line. Also, each row must contain just three cones.

How will you do it?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#558 - Mysterious Suicide brain teasers

Difficulty Popularity

The investigation department is called after the local officer confirms a suicide. On analyzing the scenario the facts are as follows. The man was found with a knife in his back in his room. A chair was found beside him and there was moisture around the body.

How can it be a suicide?
category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

#559 - Brain Teasing Statement Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A cruel dictator is fond of killing people without any reason. One day he catches a man and tells him that he must make a statement before being killed. If the dictator says that the statement is true, then he will be stabbed to death. If the dictator says that the statement is false, he will be burned alive.

What statement should that person make in order to survive?

#560 - Statements Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

James went to Germany for spending his holidays. While roaming around, he felt an urge to use the restroom. He walked into a store. There were two restrooms and sadly he could not read or understand German and thus could not identify which one was for males. There was a person who could understand English but could not speak English.

What two questions should James ask that person to know which rest room is for males ?

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