Who said that all the riddles are deprived of logic? Brace yourself as you read the following Logic Riddles brought to you by GPuzzles.Com. Now being smart won't be everything you need as you will need to shake up your brains to find the answers to the following Logic Riddles.

#521 - Smart Logical Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

All of my tee shirts are green in color except two. All of my tee shirts are blue except two. All of my tee shirts are orange except two. How many tee shirts do I have?
category : LOGIC | RIDDLE

#522 - Hard River Crossing Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

There are two villages separated with a river. Each day, four people cross the river through a bridge to work on the other side and earn for their families. On one night when they were returning from work, they noticed that the bridge was about to collapse. Now all of them wanted to cross the bridge before it collapsed as no one wanted to be stuck on that end without their families.

They had just one torch with them and since it was the night time, they could not see without it. The bridge had become weak and it could only accommodate two people at a time. It was going to collapse in just 17 minutes.

The four people took different times to cross the bridge. First one took only a minute, second one took 2 minutes, third one took 5 minutes and the last one took 10 minutes.

How would all of them have managed to cross the bridge in time?
category : LOGIC

#523 - Family Relation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A man is sitting alone on a bench in the park you go for your regular morning walks. In his hand, there is a picture at which he is looking constantly without blinking his eyes. You go to that man to find out.

You ask him, 'Who is the bright person in that picture?'

To your question he replies, 'Sisters and brothers I have none, but that man’s father is my father’s son' and then turns back to look at the picture.

Can you tell the person in the picture?

#524 - Easy Logical Problem

Difficulty Popularity

In a house gathering party, three friends named Mr. Orange, Mr. Grey and Mr. Pink are invited for dinner. All three of them decides to wear a shirt. In the party they notice that they are wearing either a Orange, a Grey or a Pink shirt.

Mr. Grey speaks first, 'Hey have you noticed yet that all of us are wearing different color shirts from our names?'

The person wearing the Pink shirt responds to this statement, 'Hey, thats right Mr. Grey.'

Analyzing these statements and the question, can you identify who is wearing which color shirt?
category : LOGIC

#525 - Quick Brain Teaser For Kids

Difficulty Popularity

On a weekend, two father and their sons planned for fishing in the lake near to their house. Till the lunch time, each man and son was able to catch one fish. They happily carried their basket to their home for cooking. But when they opened their basket, there were only three fishes.

How can this be possible seeking the fact that none of the fish were eaten, lost or thrown back?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#526 - Logical Inference Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A guy visits a house where three identical triplet sisters lived – Sarah, Sue and Sally. Sarah is the oldest one followed by Sue and Sally. The sisters decides to mock him for a while and let him figure out who is who. Due to their identical looks, he is not able to identify who is who and thus decides to ask them each of them a question.

He goes to the sister sitting on the left sofa and asks her, 'Who is the one sitting in the middle sofa?' He is replied by the girl, 'She is Sarah.'

Then he goes to the one sitting on the middle sofa and asks her, 'Who are you?' To this he is replied by her, 'I’m Sally.'

Finally he goes to the one sitting on the right sofa. He asks, 'Who is sitting on the middle sofa?' She replies, 'She is Sue.'

He is left puzzled after the three answers. He asks again and repeats for three times in total. All of the time, he receives different answers.

He only knows three things:
Sarah, the oldest one is a truthful person who never lies.
Sue the middle sister is a big liar who never tells a truth.
Sally, the youngest speaks both truth and lies.

Can you help him find out who is who?
category : LOGIC

#527 - IAS Murder Brain Teaser Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Two friends are standing in a large hall that is vacant except them both. They are facing each other. First friend predicts the future of the second one and says that in five minutes, the second will be stabbed by someone in the back. The clock is hanging on the wall in front of the second one.

He is shocked to hear this and impatiently sees the clock ticking away. After five minutes, he is stabbed on his back. Who stabbed him and how did it happen?
category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

#528 - Critical Thinking Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

If three friends want to know the average of their salaries, how can they know it without disclosing their actually salary to the other ones?
category : LOGIC

#529 - Coins Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You are given a thousand Re. 1 coins and 10 pouches. Now, you have to divide these coins in the given pouches in a manner that if someone asks you for any amount between Re.1 to Rs.1000, you should be able to give the amount by just giving the pouches. You are not allowed to open pouches for that.

How will you do it?
category : LOGIC

#530 - Hard Ipl Cricket Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

In a cricket tournament, there are 9 teams that are participating. According to the rules, each of the team will get to play two matches with every other teams. The top qualified four teams will then move forward for the playoffs.

Can you calculate the minimum number of matches to be won by a team to ensure a place in the playoffs?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

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