Here we are at the service of the genius mathematician minds of our readers. We have collected one of the finest Logical Math Problems for all of you. Scroll down to put your genius mind to a healthy exercise. If you can solve all of them, we bet that you have a sharp mind. But in either case, do not forget to bookmark our page and do share it among your like minded friends.

#1 - Eight Eights Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Using eight eights and addition only, can you make 1000?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#2 - Classy Age Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Dean Sam and Castiel are three brothers.
Interestingly their current age is prime.
What's more interesting that difference between their ages is also prime.

How old are they ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#3 - Maths Magic - Square Root 12345678987654321 Brain Teaseer

Difficulty Popularity

We all know that square root of number 121 is 11.
But do you know what si the square root of the number "12345678987654321" ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#4 - Count Minutes In February 2017

Difficulty Popularity

Can you count the number of minutes in Feb 2017?

Note: Shortest answer is the winner :-)

#5 - Ball Series Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

In this famous ball puzzle, can you complete the series by finding the value of "?"

#6 - Best Ramanujan Birthday Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Today is Ramanujan birthday.
A year Ago on his birthday, he had five candles and he lit all except the last one.
Today he is going to light all the candles.

How old is Ramanujan Today?

Note: He is not turning five today.

category : LOGIC | MATHS

#7 - Viral Clock Banana Shapes Hard Math Equation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

This Viral riddle is all over the internet as this maths equation riddle is very tricky and will test your logical and eye test.

So Can you solve this Clock Banana and Maths Shapes Riddle?

#8 - Tricky Maths Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Hockey Stick and ball cost $50. If the Stick cost $49 more than the ball.

what is the cost of each ?

#9 - Maths Magic Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I can prove why 1 = 2

Step1. Lets say y = x
Step2. Multiply through by x xy = x2
Step3. Subtract y2 from each side xy - y2 = x2 - y2
Step4. Factor each side y(x-y) = (x+y)(x-y)
Step5. Divide both sides by (x-y) y = x+y
Step6. Divide both sides by y y/y = x/y + y/y
Step7. And so... 1 = x/y + 1
Step8. Since x=y, x/y = 1 1 = 1 + 1
Step9. And so... 1 = 2

How is this possible ?

#10 - Maths Logical Problem

Difficulty Popularity

The digits 0-9(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) can be rearranged into 3628800 distinct 10 digits numbers.

How many of these numbers are prime ?

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