#261 - Statements Reasoning Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Six kids are standing in a straight line with following three statements hold true:

1. Kid1 and Kid2 are neighbors of Kid3.
2. Kid4's only neighbor is Kid5.
3. Kid5 is at the forth place of Kid6.

Which two kids are standing at the 2 corner of the line ?
category : LOGIC

#262 - Interview Hourglass Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

I have two hourglasses
A) Measures an exact 7 hours
B) Measures an exact 4 hours.

Using these two hour glasses, you need to measure an exact nine hours ?
category : LOGIC | MEASURE

#263 - Clock Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Which of the clock is odd one out ?

#264 - Math Logic Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Two Man (say Man1 & Man2) are carrying bags in their heads.

The Man1 started complaining to the Man2 that the load is too heavy on him.
The Man2 replied 'Why are you complaining to me? If you gave me one of your bags, I would have double of what you have and if I give you one of my bags we two would have an even load.'

How many bags do they (Man1 & Man2) carrying ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#265 - Logical Question To Ask

Difficulty Popularity

Jimmy Bullard and his friend went for fishing.
They got six fishes without heads, nine fishes without the tail and eight fishes cut in two halves.

How many fishes did they caught ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#266 - Infosys Hard Logic Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Three sisters are identical triplets.
=> The oldest(in minutes) is aishwarya and she always speaks the truth
=> Next to aishwarya is kareena and she always lies.
=> The youngest of three sister is katrina and she sometimes lies and sometimes tells the truth.

Salman, an old friend of the sisters visited them after a long time and did not recognize them.
=> Salman asked the sister that was sitting on the left, 'Which sister is in the middle of you three?' and the answer she received was, 'Oh, that's aishwarya.'
=> Salman then asked the sister in the middle, 'What is your name?' The response given was, 'I am katrina'
=> Salman turned to the sister on the right, then asked, 'Who is that in the middle?' The sister then replied, 'He is kareena.'

Salman got confused.
She had asked the same question three times and received three different answers.

Who was who ?
category : LOGIC

#267 - My Valentine Day Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Penelope, Megan, Charlize and Keira visited me on my last valentine's Eve.

The time of each celebrity visit is mentioned below
1) Penelope at 8:00
2) Megan at 9:00
3) Charlize at 10:00
4) Keira at 11:00
* The time mentioned can be either AM or PM.

Also the statements mentioned below are true
A) Charlize did not visit me between Megan and Keira.
B) At least one female visited me between Penelope and Megan.
C) Penelope did not visit me before both Charlize and Keira.

Can you tell at what time did they individually visit me ?
category : LOGIC

#268 - Logic Dating Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Bella wants to go on a date and prefers her date to be tall, dark and handsome.

Of the preferred traits - tall, dark and handsome - no two of Lautner, Jacob, Edward and Welch have the same number.
Only Lautner or Welch is tall and fair.
Only Jacob or Edward is short and handsome.
Lautner and Edward are either both tall or both short.
Jacob and Welch are either both dark or both fair.

Who is Bella's date?
category : LOGIC

#269 - Nice Death Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

My grandmom told me a story "

Once a father and his 3 sons lives in a village. One day the father met with a terrible accident , so death comes to take the father. Oldest son begs to the death to let his father live for some years, death was kind and so agreed.

After an year and half death returned back to take away the father with him.Second son beg and so death agreed and grant him some more time.

After 6 months death returned again to take the father.
Now the youngest son request to allow his father to live till the candle wick of the candle on his hand burned out.Death agreed.

Now as the youngest son thought , the death never returned back.
How come ?

#270 - Measuring Glass Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

There are 2 sand measuring glasses.
The small one can measure 5 hours and the large one can measure 7 hours.

How can we measure 16 hours with 2 sand measuring glasses running together ?
category : LOGIC | MEASURE

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