#241 - Logical Inference Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A guy visits a house where three identical triplet sisters lived – Sarah, Sue and Sally. Sarah is the oldest one followed by Sue and Sally. The sisters decides to mock him for a while and let him figure out who is who. Due to their identical looks, he is not able to identify who is who and thus decides to ask them each of them a question.

He goes to the sister sitting on the left sofa and asks her, 'Who is the one sitting in the middle sofa?' He is replied by the girl, 'She is Sarah.'

Then he goes to the one sitting on the middle sofa and asks her, 'Who are you?' To this he is replied by her, 'I’m Sally.'

Finally he goes to the one sitting on the right sofa. He asks, 'Who is sitting on the middle sofa?' She replies, 'She is Sue.'

He is left puzzled after the three answers. He asks again and repeats for three times in total. All of the time, he receives different answers.

He only knows three things:
Sarah, the oldest one is a truthful person who never lies.
Sue the middle sister is a big liar who never tells a truth.
Sally, the youngest speaks both truth and lies.

Can you help him find out who is who?
category : LOGIC

#242 - Coins Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You are given a thousand Re. 1 coins and 10 pouches. Now, you have to divide these coins in the given pouches in a manner that if someone asks you for any amount between Re.1 to Rs.1000, you should be able to give the amount by just giving the pouches. You are not allowed to open pouches for that.

How will you do it?
category : LOGIC

#243 - Quick Thinking Question

Difficulty Popularity

You have to answer the following question very quickly as if it was a rapid fire round.

You are participating in a car race. Picking up the right opportunity, you just overtook the second positioned racer. What is your position now?

#244 - Number Brain Teaser For Adults

Difficulty Popularity

A random number is picked following which, five guesses are to be made in order to find the correct number. All the guessed numbers are noted down in a paper. On another paper, all the differences between the guessed numbers and the picked numbers are written down by subtracting the smaller one from the bigger one.

Now, one number each is erased from both of the papers. As a result, four numbers remain on each paper:
Guesses: 27, 32, 44, 45
Differences: 5, 7, 10, 13

If this is all the information you need, can you find out what number was picked?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#245 - Maths Logic Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

I had a certain amount of candies with me. I gave half of them with one more to my first son. Then, I gave the remaining half with one more to the younger son. Now I was left with just one candy.

How much candies did I have in the beginning?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#246 - Clock Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

An analogue wall clock is displaying the time as exactly 3:15. Can you calculate the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#247 - Tricky Logic Maths Problem

Difficulty Popularity

You are a landscape artist. While redesigning the exterior, the owner of the mansion comes up with an unusual request. He tells you that he wants four trees planted outside his house in a manner that there should be exactly equal distance between all of them.

How will you do it?

#248 - Hole In Paper Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

In the figure that is given in the question, there is a square piece of paper with a hole that is represented by the circle. Now, you have to make a cut in the paper such that it divides into two different pieces of paper. Please note that it must be only two pieces. But the cut should be made in a manner that if the cut pieces are rearranged, the hole comes in the center of the paper.

How will you do it?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#249 - Easy Logical Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

There are seven strawberry, six mango, five blueberry and four orange candies inside a jar. Jesse wants to eat only same flavored candies. She can’t see inside the jar.

What is the least amount of candies will she have to take out in order to make sure that she has at least four candies of same flavor?
category : LOGIC

#250 - Easy Logic Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

There are three tins filled with 100 toffees each of different sizes. Suzie takes all the 100 toffees from one box and hides them in her room. But when her sister looks at the tins, each of them still have 100 toffees.

How is that possible?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

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