#1 - Find Next Number In The Series

Difficulty Popularity

Find next number in the series

23 21 24 19 26 15 28 11 30 7 36 ?
category : SERIES

#2 - Number Sequence Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Replace the ? with the appropriate number

1 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 9 , 11 ?
category : SERIES

#3 - Riddle In A Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What are the next two letters in the following series and why?
W A T N T L I T F S _ _

*Hint : Look into the title of the Riddle
category : SERIES | TRICK

#4 - Find The Next Number In The Series

Difficulty Popularity

Find Next Number in the Series

2 9 3 1 8 4 3 6 5 7 ?
category : SERIES

#5 - Picture Arrow Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

In which direction should the missing arrow point ?

category : SERIES | PICTURE

#6 - Tough Number Sequence Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find the last number in the below sequence

3 , 7 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 17 ?
category : SERIES

#7 - Hard Number Series Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Which number comes next in the series

5 12 24 36 ?
category : SERIES

#8 - what am i searching for Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

I am a formed by ten letters.
1st 4 letters have the power to rule,
We can next 4 letters.
Next 3 letters represent a lady.
I can fly as well.

What am I searching for?
category : WHAT AM I

#9 - Hard Number Sequence

Difficulty Popularity

Find the next number in the sequence ?

2 11 25 44 68 ?
category : SERIES

#10 - Pattern Series Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Use the logical reasoning to find out the missing piece in the picture given with this question.
Find the logic in the figure given and find out the missing one.

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