Been there, done that. This is the attitude of most of the puzzle fanatics who are good at solving them. But these Hard Logic Puzzles which are handpicked by the team of GPuzzles.Com can give you a hard time solving them. They not be as easy as they sound and you may have to look at various directions or analyze various things before you can come up with an answer. If you can solve all these Hard Logic Puzzles, then you have really mastered the art of solving logic riddles in true sense and you can boast your success.

#241 - Interesting Misplaced Pens Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Rihanna brought home 150 pens but while packing them, she misplaced some of them. When her brother asked how many she had misplaced, she told him:
If you count in pairs, one will remain
If you count in a group of three, two will remain
If you count in a group of four, three will remain
If you count in a group of five, four will remain
If you count in a group of six, five will remain
If you count in a group of seven, nothing will remain.

How many pens do you think has she misplaced ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#242 - Predict Result Of Game Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Once, Anabelle, Betty, Christie, Dora and Evelyn played the game of tiddly winks with each other. In that game, a win gave 1 point, a loss gave 0 points and a tie gave 1/2 point.

They finished the game in the alphabetical order of their name and each one had a different score by the end.

After the game the two following comments were made:
Betty: Only I managed to finish without a loss.
Evelyn: I was the only one with no win.

Can you find out the results of the individual game?
category : LOGIC

#243 - Analytical Logical Problem

Difficulty Popularity

You have a flashlight that can run on two working batteries. Out of the eight batteries you have with you, only four are in working condition.

Can you find out the least number of pairs that you must test to guarantee that you can get your flashlight on?
category : LOGIC

#244 - Difficult Logic Question

Difficulty Popularity

At a fast food outlet, you order chicken wings in boxes of 6, 9 and 20. Then, what is the largest number of wings that is not possible to get if you purchase some combination of boxes?
category : LOGIC

#245 - Hard River Crossing Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

There are two villages separated with a river. Each day, four people cross the river through a bridge to work on the other side and earn for their families. On one night when they were returning from work, they noticed that the bridge was about to collapse. Now all of them wanted to cross the bridge before it collapsed as no one wanted to be stuck on that end without their families.

They had just one torch with them and since it was the night time, they could not see without it. The bridge had become weak and it could only accommodate two people at a time. It was going to collapse in just 17 minutes.

The four people took different times to cross the bridge. First one took only a minute, second one took 2 minutes, third one took 5 minutes and the last one took 10 minutes.

How would all of them have managed to cross the bridge in time?
category : LOGIC

#246 - Critical Thinking Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

If three friends want to know the average of their salaries, how can they know it without disclosing their actually salary to the other ones?
category : LOGIC

#247 - Hard Ipl Cricket Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

In a cricket tournament, there are 9 teams that are participating. According to the rules, each of the team will get to play two matches with every other teams. The top qualified four teams will then move forward for the playoffs.

Can you calculate the minimum number of matches to be won by a team to ensure a place in the playoffs?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#248 - Lateral Thinking Logic Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Michael buys a new car. He is habitual of eating either donut or brownie while going to office. Whenever he stops to buy brownie, he don't face any problem with respect to his car but whenever he stops to buy donut, the car starts giving trouble. This is seen as a coincidence by him at first but when the same problem persists, he drives in the company showroom and tells his bizarre problem to them. The mechanic checks the car but find no problem at all.

On the next day, when he stops to buy donut again, he faces the same problem with the car. He drives into the showroom again but the mechanic finds no problem at all. The next day goes by fine as he stops by to buy a brownie. But on the following day, when he stops by to buy a donut, the car gives trouble again.

Can you find the possible reason behind this problem?

#249 - Hard Logic Brain Teaser Question

Difficulty Popularity

There is an island where people are not allowed to communicate with each other. There are total 200 people out of which, 100 have green eyes while 100 have black eyes. But no one knows their own eyes color as there is no mirror available on the island. Also, they are not aware of how many people with n colored eyes are there. They don't even know that there are only two color set of eyes. But they can observe and analyze other people's eyes.

There is a catch to the things. It is a rule that if anybody is able to deduce the color of his own eyes and he is right, he will be free and can leave the island.

On a certain day, an outsider visits the island and tells the people that he has seen someone with green eyes. What will happen now?
category : LOGIC

#250 - Lateral Thinking Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A man walks into a movie theater. Hi sits in the movie hall impatiently as the movie progresses. Suddenly in a shot, he smiles and watch the shot with his eyes glued to the screen curiously. But moments later he seems terrified. He rushes out of the movie hall and run towards a bridge. Upon reaching the bridge, he climbs over and jumps in the river committing suicide.

Why did he do it?
category : LOGIC

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