Been there, done that. This is the attitude of most of the puzzle fanatics who are good at solving them. But these Hard Logic Puzzles which are handpicked by the team of GPuzzles.Com can give you a hard time solving them. They not be as easy as they sound and you may have to look at various directions or analyze various things before you can come up with an answer. If you can solve all these Hard Logic Puzzles, then you have really mastered the art of solving logic riddles in true sense and you can boast your success.

#221 - Famous Elevator Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Tanu lives on the 13th floor takes the elevator down to the ground floor every morning and goes to her office.

In the evening, when she comes back on a rainy day , or if there are other people around in the elevator, she goes to her 13th floor directly. Otherwise, she goes to the 1oth floor and walks up three flights of stairs to his apartment.

Whats the reason for her unusual behavior ?
category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

#222 - Popular Probability Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Kangwa, Rafael and Ferdinand plans for gun fighting.
They each get a gun and take turns shooting at each other until only one person is left.

History suggest
Kangwa hits his shot 1/3 of the time, gets to shoot first.
Rafael, hits his shot 2/3 of the time, gets to shoot next if still living.
Ferdinand having perfect record at shooting(100% accuracy) shoots last , if alive.

The cycle repeats. If you are Kangwa, where should you shoot first for the highest chance of survival?

#223 - Terrorist Plane Hijack Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A terrorist hijacks a plane with 10 passengers and there is a lot of gold in the plane.
After taking all the gold, the terrorist asked the government officials for 11 parachutes.
He killed all the passenger so that no one can identify him , take one parachute and jumps off.

Was he stupid to ask for 11 parachutes if he need only one ?

#224 - Apple In Bottle Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

How was a full-sized apple placed inside a thin-necked glass bottle without breaking the bottle or cutting the fruit?

category : LOGIC | SCIENCE

#225 - Daredevil Microwave Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A person named Daredevil arrives home after a hectic day of work. He cheerfully exclaims to his wife, "Hey babe, the microwave is running and defrosting a mutton dinner." In response from the bedroom, his wife says, "Could you please check the microwave and let me know how much time is remaining?"

Without hesitation, Daredevil rushes out and contacts the police, alerting them to a potentially dangerous situation involving his wife.

Why does he take this immediate action?

category : LOGIC | TRICK

#226 - Who is the boss riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Which of the below three is the boss?

#227 - Behaviour Riddle - Which woman does he like

Difficulty Popularity

Which women does he like?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#228 - 40 Tea Cups Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

If Teapot А can contain 40 cups of tea. How many cups of tea can teapot В contain?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#229 - 1300 + 20 = 1400 - 40 Equation Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Under what circumstance do the below equations hold true?

1300 + 20 = 1400 - 40

#230 - Seperate Nuts From Squirrels Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

How can you separate nuts from squirrels by drawing exactly one square and one rectangle?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

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