How about if someone offered you all the Famous Riddles at one place? This section of GPuzzles.Com does exactly that. Here you will find all kinds of Famous Riddles which you might have heard from so many people.

#631 - Murder Suspect Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

It was the first day of the college when a young girl was found dead on the college premises. The police narrowed down four suspects.
1. The Dean: He claims he was in his office whole day.
2. Maths Teacher: She claims that she was giving her students grades.
3. Peon: He claims that he was bringing the mails.
4. Mathew: He claims he was cleaning the roof of the college.

Who was the murderer?
category : MYSTERY

#632 - Shortest Who Am I

Difficulty Popularity

Who am I?

#633 - What is It Science Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

It is the son of the water but when the son returns to parent, it dies.
What is it?
category : SCIENCE

#634 - Water Level Change Problem

Difficulty Popularity

A farmer wanted to sell watermelons in the city. To reach the city, he had to cross a river. So, he embarked on the journey while it was raining. On the way, he felt hungry and thus ate one of the watermelons. Further on a certain distance, he came across a Shark. In order to save himself, he hit the shark with the watermelon.

At this point of time, can you find out if there is any change in the water level?
category : SCIENCE

#635 - Spatial Trivia Physics Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

As shown in picture, there are four gears with the following specification
* Gear A has 60 teeth
* Gear B has 40 teeth
* Gear C has 20 teeth
* Gear D has 60 teeth
* Every minute, Gear B makes 15 complete turns.

What is the relative speed of Gear A and Gear B?

#636 - Hardest Matchsticks Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

By adding just four matchsticks in below picture, you need to create

1. Four Triangles
2. Two Squares

#637 - Uncle Scrooge Loan Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Uncle Scrooge decided to go for an expedition. He goes to the bank and asks the personal loan of $2000. Based on his reputation, Bank approved the loan but ask for some guarantee as it's a part of bank procedure. Uncle Scrooge mortgages his only car whose worth was a whopping $200000. Bank officer laughed at him and approve the loan instantly.
After expedition when Uncle Scrooge returns, bank officer asked him "Are you dumb! You are so rich, why you mortgage such an expensive car?".
Uncle Scrooge replied "...." and bank officer agreed that he's not a dumb.

What did Uncle Scrooge reply to the bank officer?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#638 - Missing Alphabets In Series

Difficulty Popularity

Find the missing alphabets in series above?
category : SERIES

#639 - What word am I ?

Difficulty Popularity

What word am I?


* I am a nine letter word.

* I am the exact inverse to expression 'neighborly and active'

* I contain the word 'over'.

* I begin will a vowel.
category : WHAT AM I

#640 - Three Magic Numbers Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Find three magic number such that ?

* Product of three numbers is prime.
* 2nd number - 1st number = 3rd number - 2nd number
category : LOGIC | MATHS

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