#1 - Which Tank Will Fill First Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Which tank will fill first?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#2 - Russian Roulette Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

You and your friend are playing Russian Roulette. Of course, the gun is filled with fake pellets. Three bullets are placed inside three consecutive chambers. The cylinder is then spun once. It won't be spun again.

As per the rules, the gun will be passed from one person to other until a pellet is shot. If you want to win this game, would you go first or second ?

#3 - 3 Gallon Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

You have been given three jars of 3 liters, 5 liters and 8 liters capacity out of which the 8 liters jar is filled completely with water. Now you have to use these three jars to divide the water into two parts of 4 liters each.

How can you do it making the least amount of transfers?
category : LOGIC

#4 - Chemistry Lab Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Dalton was working in his chemistry lab and created a mixture whose weight is contributed by 90% water and 10% Carbon. The weight of the mixture is 20pounds. As he just finished creating the mixture, Dalton needs to go urgently for some urgent work for 2days. When he returned, the weight of water in the mixture was reduced from 90% to 50%.

How much does the mixture weigh now?

category : SCIENCE

#5 - Fun With Maths Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Let us say there are two natural numbers 'A' and 'B'. We performed eight operations on two numbers as

Step-1: A = B
Step-2: A x A = B x A
Step-3: A^2 - B^2 = AB - B^2
Step-4: (A + B)( A - B) = B(A - B)
Step-5: A + B = B
Step-6: B + B = B
Step-7: 2B = B
Step- 8: 2 = 1

What's the trick?
category : MATHS | EQUATION

#6 - Connect Nodes Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you connect the nodes between them based on the value of the node?

Note: Inside the first node there is a value of 1 which means that this node is connected to just one node

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#7 - Complete Hexagon Number Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Using the number from 2 to 20, Can you need to completely fill the figure below with two rules?

Rule-1: Difference between two adjacent number in hexagon should be more than 4
Rule-2: The number inside yellow hexagon must be prime.

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#8 - Rashid' s Buffaloes And His Son Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Rashid, father of 9 sons got 81 buffaloes labeled as 1,2,3,4..... 81. The beauty of the label is such that the buffalo with label-1 gives 1-liter of milk, buffalo with label-2 gives 2-liters of milk..... Buffalo with label 81 gives 81-liters of milk, Rashid wants to distribute his 81 buffaloes among all his sons such that each of them gets the same number of buffaloes and the same quantity of milk.

Can you help him?

category : LOGIC

#9 - Which Tank Will Fill First Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Famous tank fill brainteaser is shown in the picture below. Can you tell us which tank will fill first?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#10 - Tricky Equation To Solve Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

29 - 1 = 30
9 - 1 = 10
14 - 1 = 15

Based on above logic, can you prove that
11 - 1 = 10 ?

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