Below is well compiled list of elementary riddles

#11 - Funny Murder Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

I can describe a murder in a special way !!

A donkey behind another donkey
I'm behind that second donkey
And whole nation is behind me

whats this murder callee ?

category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#12 - Famous Cow 13 Letters Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you write cow in 13 letters ?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#13 - One Line Humor Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Which city is three fifth of China, two sixth of Canada and two third of Goa ?

#14 - Old Mind Teaser Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Ankit is the son of Amit.
Amit is the_____of Ankit's father ?

#15 - Trick Teaser Problem

Difficulty Popularity

According to famous saying "Two's company, and three's a crowd "

then whats four and five ?

#16 - Tricky Math Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What do you get if you add 3 to 300 five times?

#17 - Stupid Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

The Little ant seems to be always confused.
Do you know why ?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#18 - Mind Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

The man who invented it doesn't want it. The man who bought it doesn't need it. The man who needs it doesn't know it. What is it?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#19 - Tennis Funny Quick Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Lucy and Hannah are playing lawn tennis together. They decide to play a set of three. After the sets, both of them win each three sets.

How is this possible?

#20 - Funniest Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

In a pond, there were forty elephants. Those elephants had forty-fore heads. How can this be feasible in real world?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

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