If you are new to the riddles world, then you need to start up with these Easy Riddles by GPuzzles.Com. They won't give you a tough time but will help you improve your skills gradually. When you are done with these Easy Riddles, you will definitely feel more confident in solving other difficulty level of riddles.

#61 - Suicide Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A couple went on for river crossing outside the country. After a day, only the woman returned and told the police that her husband drowned while crossing the river. The next day the Sherriff visited her again and arrested her. “Your travel agent called. You are arrested for murdering your husband” he said.

How did the travel agent know about the murder?

#62 - Funny Bankrupt Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A father goes bankrupt. The mother has to sell the hotels she had in her possession in order to attain some money. But their daughter is quite happy.

How can someone be so heartless and show such boorishness?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#63 - Humorous Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A father goes bankrupt. The mother has to sell the restaurant she had in her possession in order to attain some money. But their daughter is quite happy.

How can someone be so heartless and show such boorishness?

#64 - Worlds Best Paradox Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

If this sentence is not false, then I have invisible powers.

After reading the above sentence what do you say?

Do I have invisible powers?
category : RIDDLE

#65 - Who Are They Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you deduce the following riddle?

There is no flesh, no feathers, no scales and no bone
What sorcery is this that they still have fingers and thumbs of their own?

who are they?

#66 - Math Rebus Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What does the below rebus riddle mean?

#67 - Against The Law Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I love my widow wife very much. She loves me too. I want to marry her again but the law doesn't allow me to. Why?
category : TRICK | RIDDLE

#68 - What Am I Question Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

When i was invented, you can looking through the walls.

What am I?

#69 - Riddle Me That

Difficulty Popularity

How can you light a fire with just a single stick
category : TRICK | RIDDLE

#70 - Fly In The Cup Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Anastasia Steele shouted for the waiter, "There is a fly in my tea". "Sorry, I will bring a fresh cup for you mademoiselle" he said. In a few seconds, she called her again fuming with anger, "This is exactly the same cup of tea".

How did she come to know?
category : TRICK | RIDDLE

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