The term Cryptic Riddles might be a new for most of the people. But these riddles have gained much popularity over the past few years. In short, you can identify these riddles by looking towards the end. If the riddle ends with 'What am I', 'Who am I' and such sort of questions, they are classified as Cryptic Riddles. Seeking the popularity of such puzzles, we have compiled a list of our own. But that is not just it. With time, we plan to keep adding more of them for you. If you enjoy these cryptic riddles, don't forget to share them with your friends.

#41 - Whats The Word I Am Looking For

Difficulty Popularity

I am a word with eleven letters in me.
If you pick the first four letters, you will find a bank's name.
If you pick the next three letters (i.e. the fifth, sixth and seventh), you will find a car’s name.
If you pick the last four letters, you will find a mode of transport.

Can you tell what word am I?
category : WHAT AM I

#42 - What 6 Letter Word Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Form a six-letter word by using the following three letters any number of time:
N, A and B.
category : WHAT AM I

#43 - Made of Wood Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

What cannot be sawed but is made of wood ?
category : WHAT AM I

#44 - Who Are They Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

They are protector.
They Sit on a bridge.
One individual can see directly through them , while others wonder what they hide.

Who am they ?
category : WHAT AM I

#45 - 2 Words Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you list words which sound alike with the different meaning? One means the "state of rest" while the other word is related to "writing material".
category : WHAT AM I

#46 - Who Are We Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

We have black but we are not tea seeds.
We have white buts we are not lime.
We have water but we are not a river.
We have feather but we are not birds.

Who are we?

category : WHAT AM I

#47 - What Am I - Deaf Dumb Blind

Difficulty Popularity

I am deaf dumb and blind but always tell the truth.
Who Am I?

category : WHAT AM I

#48 - Oppenheimer's Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

In my core, power is immense,
Splitting atoms, no pretense.
With mushroom clouds, I'm feared and known,
Oppenheimer's creation, shrouded and blown.

What am I?

category : WHAT AM I

#49 - Find The Word Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I am a seven letter word but if you remove four of my letters I will have one left? What word am I?
category : WHAT AM I

#50 - Who Are They Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

They can be interesting,
They can be boring,

They can be long,
They can be short,
They can have pictures,
They can be just words.

Many love them,
Many Also hate them.

What are They ?
category : WHAT AM I

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