Conundrum riddles are specially the one using a play on words in the answer. These include difficult questions. They will put you in dilemma while solving. you need a focused mind for solving them. These are not very easy.

Here are some conundrum riddles for you.

#21 - How Many Seconds In A Year Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Without the use of calculation, can you find how many seconds are there in a year ?

#22 - The Classic Legs Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You are standing in one of the biggest palaces in the world "Hofburg Palace, Vienna". In palace five commando are staying. Each commando has allotted five big rooms and each room contains five huge Tigers.
Each huge tiger has five small tigers.
We all know a tiger has 4 legs.

So how many legs are there in the palace ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#23 - Missing $1 Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

This is a classic riddle.
I spend $50 in the way below. Where is my missing $1

category : LOGIC | TRICK

#24 - Count Minutes In February 2017

Difficulty Popularity

Can you count the number of minutes in Feb 2017?

Note: Shortest answer is the winner :-)

#25 - Name Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I am a son of a chemist and a mathematician.
People called me Iron59.

What's my name?

#26 - Presence Of Mind Picture Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

By adding three letters, can you move image from

#27 - Who is Safe Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Who is safe A or B?

#28 - Someone's Mom Son Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Someone's mom has 4 sons North, West & South. What is the name of the fourth son.
Write the name of the 4th son in the comments section below.

This Riddle got viral over the internet multiple times over the past few months.

#29 - Who Calls Elevator Most Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A famous hotel has seven floors. Five people are living on the ground floor and each floor has three more people on it than the previous one.

Which floor calls the elevator the most?

category : LOGIC | TRICK

#30 - King Gift Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

King Charles want to send the diamond ring to his girlfriend securely.He got multiple locks and their corresponding keys.His girl friend does not have any keys to these locks and if he send the key without a lock , the key can be copied in the way.How can charles send the ring to his girl friend securely .
category : LOGIC | TRICK

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