The cryptarithm typically referred as alphametic puzzles are the type of puzzles where we create an algebraic equation using words and mathematical symbols in a manner that when we replace alphabets of words by a number then the algebraic equation holds true.

A simple example of alphabetic riddle is

Above alphametic riddle can be solved in many ways and one such way can be replacing A by 5, N by 8 , O by 0, B by 1 and U bu 3.

There are two rules that we must follow while solving these alphabetic cryptarithm puzzles.
1. The leftmost letter cannot be equal to 0 in any of the words in the alphabetic riddle.
2. Each alphabet can be mapped to only one number.
i.e in above examples If N is mapped to 8 then all another letter(A O B U) cannot be mapped to 8.

We at created a list for the viewers. These examples of alphabetic puzzles will not only make you learn but you can enjoy as well.

#1 - Base Ball Games Cryptarithmetic Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you solve the below cryptarithmetic riddle
by replacing alphabets of words by a number so that the algebraic equation holds true?

category : MATHS | EQUATION

#2 - Cross Roads Danger Alphametic Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you replace letters by numbers to solve below alphametic puzzle?

+ C R O S S
+ R O A D S
category : CIPHER

#3 - Hard Alphametic Equation Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

AB = CA - DE
FG = BE - HG
DB = AF - IA
JC = KC - JE
JL = LJ - DK
HE = CG - BI

You need to make above equation correct by replacing letters by number.

Note: You can using only 8 digits. (i.e. more than one letter will be mapped to same value)
category : MATHS | EQUATION

#4 - Most Popular Cryptarithms Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you solve below Cryptarithms puzzle by replacing letters by number to form below equation true?

category : MATHS | EQUATION

#5 - Tricky Alphametic Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Can you replace each letter with the number (1 - 9) to make all equation correct ?

AB - C = DE / F = GH * I
category : MATHS | EQUATION

#6 - Dollar * 4 = Quarter Equation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A quarter is 1/4th of a dollar but Professor Mr.GPuzzles has reversed the equation as below :


You need to replace each alphabet by a number to decipher the logic used by Professor to make above equation true.
category : MATHS | EQUATION

#7 - Famous Send More Money Equation Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Below equation is one the most popular equation.Can you solve the below equation by replacing alphabet with a digit such that the equation holds as well?
category : MATHS | EQUATION

#8 - Algebra Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You can find an odd multiplication in the figure. All the letters present in the figure can be referred to an integer to make the solution true.

Can you disclose the digits behind each letter if you know that similar letters contain similar digit values ?

category : MATHS | EQUATION

#9 - Math Number Equation Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Solve the below number equation maths problem by replacing each letter with the different digit.

4 x (O N E) = T E N

Note: No letter can be replaced by number zero.
category : EQUATION

#10 - Number Equation Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Solve for the letters:


PS: All the letters have a distinct value and O, T and E are not zero.

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