Optical Illusion Puzzles #1 - Tree Trunk Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

What extra would you be able to find in this picture ?

Optical Illusion Puzzles #2 - Words in a Pyramid

Difficulty Popularity

Read what is written in the pyramid aloud. Do you find any mistake? Read it again if you don't.

category : TRICKY | PUZZLES

Optical Illusion Puzzles #3 - Famous Sander

Difficulty Popularity

Which of the blue lines is longer than the other?

Optical Illusion Puzzles #4 - Famous Ebbinghaus

Difficulty Popularity

Which of these orange circle is larger?

Optical Illusion Puzzles #5 - Crooked or Straight

Difficulty Popularity

Are the lines in the given figure bent or parallel to each other? How many of them are parallel if they are parallel and how many are bent?

category : LOGIC | PUZZLES

Optical Illusion Puzzles #6 - Famous Scintillating Grid Illusion

Difficulty Popularity

Can you count the number of black dots in the picture?

Optical Illusion Puzzles #7 - Famous In or Out

Difficulty Popularity

The red ball (dot) is inside the cube or it is outside it?

Optical Illusion Puzzles #8 - Popular Book

Difficulty Popularity

Where is the book pointing towards? Is it towards you or away from you?

Optical Illusion Puzzles #9 - Popular Grey Dots

Difficulty Popularity

Just try to move your eyes from one point to another to another in random motions. How many grey dots do you see?

Optical Illusion Puzzles #10 - Standard Moving Square

Difficulty Popularity

Hold back your head steady. Now just scroll the webpage up and down with moderate speed. What do you see?

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