We have found some of the extremely cool illusions and collected them here on our site on this very page. These are some of the best that you will find on the internet. So why waste that time that you can utilize to enjoy instead. If you like these cool illusions, do bookmark the link and share the word among your friends. Keep coming back to find more.

Cool Optical Illusions #1 - Water Wall

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Have you ever seen a wall made up of water? If no then have a look. Danish artist Jeppe Hein has created one such piece of art. The triangular structure is made of two-spyglass mirror and wall of water. The wall of water is created, by sensor drops when people are extremely close to it. Once you enter the flow picks up and the wall is created. People can look outside the triangle through the two-way mirrors and also reflect each other, the water, the visitors, and the surroundings, causing everything to seem to visually dissolve.

Cool Optical Illusions #2 - Floating Tap

Difficulty Popularity

This image is bound to generate curiosity in every mind. "How is this possible?" is the question which crops up in mind after seeing this. This marvelous illusion is created with the help of a hidden pipe under the stream of water. This whole structure stands on it. While supporting the structure, the pipe also serves as water carrier.

Cool Optical Illusions #3 - The Dark Knight Rises Movie Poster

Difficulty Popularity

This is one of the most popular movie poster illusions. We do think that all of you will agree. Also, everybody of you must have noticed the illusion as well because it is so clear. On the contrary, many of you might have noticed the illusion but had not given a serious thought about the buildings that have created it. The camera is placed in between the tall buildings that are being shattered leaving a shape of a bat (exactly like the way Nolan has represented in the movie or on the bat suit). This is creativity at its best.

Cool Optical Illusions #4 - Miraculously Glowing Bulb

Difficulty Popularity

This is a very popular illusion and one of those that you might have seen several times in the social media sites. This is the reason why he could not help ourselves but post it here in our site. Probably you need no explanation on what to do but it is our duty to tell you that. Just stare at the image for half a minute or a full minute and then shift your eyes to any white surface. It can be your ceiling, you wall, your floor and if you have nothing, it can be a plain white sheet of paper. You will see that the bulb is glowing.

category : COOL

Cool Optical Illusions #5 - Emma Hack's Camouflage Art

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She is one of the most popular body paint artist in the world who portrays her skills through her camouflage art. Her work and artistic skills are exceptional as you can very well see in the attached picture. It will be hard to deduce and separate her from the background if you encounter her in real time randomly. Hats off for her amazing talent that leaves us speechless.

Cool Optical Illusions #6 - Liu Bolin Disappearing Act

Difficulty Popularity

Liu Bolin is an extremely famous illusionist popular for his disappearing illusions. The man's talent is unparalleled for sure. If you don't believe us, just look at the attached picture. At the first look most of the people will fail to recognize that there is a man standing in the picture. Liu paints himself to blend with the background efficiently. He is popularly known as the Vanishing Artist. This picture is taken at a supermarket in Beijing.

Cool Optical Illusions #7 - Rock Climbing

Difficulty Popularity

How many of you were able to recognize that it was just an illusion in the first go? You have an amazing observation if you were able to. This man is actually lying over the floor and the camera is places so beautifully with a perfect camera angle that it appears that he is actually climbing a rock. The expressions add up to the illusion. But look at the arm with no muscles tensed. Look at how his body is pulled by the ground due to gravity.

Cool Optical Illusions #8 - Juggling the Sun

Difficulty Popularity

In this illusion, we take you to a beautiful sunset scenery. While most of the people would have marveled at the sight of this amazing view of sunset, look at what this guy is up to. Hats off to the imagination of the guy and the one who clicked this amazing picture. It is creating an illusion that the guy in the picture is juggling with the sun. Now that is a mighty thing to do don't you feel? It gives you an idea of how you can use the sunset for creating an illusion.

category : COOL | AMAZING

Cool Optical Illusions #9 - Famous Scintillating Grid Illusion

Difficulty Popularity

Can you count the number of black dots in the picture?

Cool Optical Illusions #10 - Swimming Pool

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