Illusions are really fun. They serve you great whenever you want to have a little fun over the internet. Of course, you have to browse through various sites to find some amazing illusions that blow your mind away. Now that is a time taking process and really tedious. Just to facilitate you, we have collected some really amazing illusions for you in this list so you can hop in to find the best without searching endlessly. Have fun.

Amazing Optical Illusions #11 - Astonishing Chess Pieces

Difficulty Popularity

We have something for you that will leave you completely shocked. Now this illusion can be a bit tricky and you will have to understand first before trying it. We are telling you that the two set of chess pieces that you see in the image below are of exactly same gradient. Don't be so fast to mock at us. Now if you want to prove it, just open the image in any image editing software. Now carefully pick up any spot in the first image of any chess piece. Check at the same spot in the second image and you will agree with the fact that they certainly are of same gradient.

Amazing Optical Illusions #12 - Amazing Blur Shift

Difficulty Popularity

Are you ready for an amazing illusion guys? Before looking at the image, do read the instructions first. Yu can see two lighthouses in the image below. There is a visible partition between the two images. You would be easily able to notice that the right image is sharper than the left one. Now just concentrate on the right (sharper one). Very soon, you will find that it will turn blurred and now the left image will turn sharper. Go on and try the same with the left image and you will now see it blurred while the other will appear sharper.

category : LOGIC | AMAZING

Amazing Optical Illusions #13 - Emma Hack's Camouflage Art

Difficulty Popularity

She is one of the most popular body paint artist in the world who portrays her skills through her camouflage art. Her work and artistic skills are exceptional as you can very well see in the attached picture. It will be hard to deduce and separate her from the background if you encounter her in real time randomly. Hats off for her amazing talent that leaves us speechless.

Amazing Optical Illusions #14 - Liu Bolin Disappearing Act

Difficulty Popularity

Liu Bolin is an extremely famous illusionist popular for his disappearing illusions. The man's talent is unparalleled for sure. If you don't believe us, just look at the attached picture. At the first look most of the people will fail to recognize that there is a man standing in the picture. Liu paints himself to blend with the background efficiently. He is popularly known as the Vanishing Artist. This picture is taken at a supermarket in Beijing.

Amazing Optical Illusions #15 - Hyper Realistic Acrylic Masterpiece

Difficulty Popularity

You might have thought that it is an acrylic painting painted by some great artist. But what if we tell you that this is a real life model and what you are looking at is not a painting built a real life snap? You will be shocked right? You will watch it over and over again but you won't believe in us even then. Well if that I the case, you may Google the name Alexa Meade and you will know the truth. The artist is so phenomenal with her skills that it is just unbelievable for our minds when we are told that all what you see are real life objects and even real life model that have been painted to make them look like an acrylic painting.

Amazing Optical Illusions #16 - Hands on Face

Difficulty Popularity

This illusion has been pretty popular on the social media. Often quoted as the Face Paint Optical Illusion, this illusion deserves all the praise that it has received. We all keep our hands on our face at several occasions but one artist was creative enough to take it up and create an illusion of the same by painting it on a face. This is one of those body paint illusion that grabs your attention wherever you see it and you can't help but share it.

Amazing Optical Illusions #17 - Juggling the Sun

Difficulty Popularity

In this illusion, we take you to a beautiful sunset scenery. While most of the people would have marveled at the sight of this amazing view of sunset, look at what this guy is up to. Hats off to the imagination of the guy and the one who clicked this amazing picture. It is creating an illusion that the guy in the picture is juggling with the sun. Now that is a mighty thing to do don't you feel? It gives you an idea of how you can use the sunset for creating an illusion.

category : COOL | AMAZING

Amazing Optical Illusions #18 - Amazing Dog with Wings

Difficulty Popularity

Sometimes, all you need to create a perfect outdoor illusion is a camera ready to snap a picture at the right moment. In the attached illusion, you can say the same. It is an extremely popular outdoor illusion that you might have seen in so many social media sites and circulating picture messages in the messengers. But yes, if the person who clicked it had not used this camera angle at the right moment, this illusion would have failed. So now, you can see a normal dog with wings on the beach. How cool a sight.

category : TRICKY | AMAZING

Amazing Optical Illusions #19 - Impossibly Real Painted Basketball

Difficulty Popularity

No this can't be right! No way can this basketball be a painted illusion. An anamorphic art cannot be so real by any means. We all thought the same with the first glance. Though we can't deny the fact that we still feel the same. This is because it appears so real that you almost want to pick it up and dribble it. But then, it is a stunningly real 3d anamorphic artwork in reality. Whoever has created this illusion surely deserves a bow from us.

Amazing Optical Illusions #20 - Fingernails leaping off the Page

Difficulty Popularity

This is the work of a popular Italian illustrator Alessandro Diddi. You certainly can't believe your eyes. He is a genius. We are sure there are many other incredible anamorphic illusions created by him using just pencil and paper but this one caught our attention the most. It really feels that those finger nails exist in real world. It is incredible how he can fool our eyes into believing something that is just an illustration. Can you try your hand at such an art? If you can, do share with us.

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