Optical Illusion : Witch Reading Book

Someone must have done it intentionally. This is because the position of the book is exactly what it should be. It is matching the outline of the real girl's face with the witch's face that is printed on the book's cover. This is the reason why it is creating an illusion that the girl is the witch actually. However, the girl's face is hidden behind the book actually. Now, this is something that you can create yourself as well. Pretty easy right?

category : FUNNY


Optical Illusion : Popular Rotating Snakes

You can find the circles rotating and the name is derived due to the striped pattern. So you can really feel those snakes rotating.

category : TRIPPY | MOVING

Optical Illusion : Popular Book

Where is the book pointing towards? Is it towards you or away from you?

Optical Illusion : Spiders on the Roof 3D Art

Now that is something creepy. The giant spiders crawling over the roof makes us think that we are living in Hogwarts right? This artist deserves a salute from us for hi amazing talent. There is no way that you can say that this pair of spiders is not real if you look from the bird eye view. It will be interesting to see how they look while you stand on the roof though.

Optical Illusion : Blowing People Off Hand

Most of you must have already seen this illusion on social networking sites. It is one of the extremely popular ones and serves as a perfect example. This is how the perspective and distance can be used to create a magical snap. Obviously, the people are far off than the man and that is the reason why they are looking so small. Rest, it is just the creativity of the photographer which makes this illusion a stunning one.

Optical Illusion : Moving Orange Spirals

If you cover one half of the image and just look at only one spiral, you might not even perceive it as moving (some of you might still see them moving). But together, you can't deny that they are moving. Just look at them turn by turn without stopping and they will move as you move your eyes. Isn't it amazing?

category : COOL | TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Vibrating Pink Pattern

This illusion has no installed brakes. It keeps on vibrating constantly even if you look at it for a sec or for a minute. But at just a couple of seconds, you may perceive a spiral as well. This spiral does not rotate at a specific direction enhancing the trippy nature of the image. Were you able to spot that spiral? Did you notice something else too? Mention your experience in t7he comments section.

category : COOL | TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Irregular Floor of a Gaming Store

This picture has been taken inside a gaming store in Paris. By seeing the carpet you might get a feeling that the store is built on an irregular surface and might want to check your steps while walking. But in reality the surface is as plane as it can get. So why does you perceive it as an irregular surface where you might trip while walking? It is because of the lines that have been printed over the carpet. The lines are curved and stretched in a manner that gives an illusion that the floor surface is irregular.

Optical Illusion : Funny Broken Elevator Floor

These two friends are holding the sides of the elevator with one hand and holding each other's hand with the other. The reason is simple. The elevator floor is broken or has just broken down leaving them stranded inside. But they are laughing right. This is because they are just posing for the same. Nothing has broken down and it's just a 3d art that you see on the elevator floor. The artist has done a good job but probably these girls could have expressed fear instead of excitement to make it more impressive.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Cute Cat Carving

Now one has to be a serious cat lover to carve such a cute version of the cat ironically on a jack-o'-lantern which are meant to be scary or creepy. The carving is three dimensional and it gives much needed depth to this illusion. The details are fine and smooth offering it a realistic look. The front limbs near the mouth is actually offering it the cuteness. The big eyes expresses much as well. A job well done by the artist.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Hidden Face amid Flowers

It's a beautiful face of a woman. Are you able to spot it? It is present on the top towards the right where the pink flowers have blossomed. The flowers are bent and placed at the right spots to form the eyes, the nose, the lips, the chin and the jawline. It is a painting even though you can experience similar illusions for real many a times. It would be great if you snap a picture at that very moment. Share with us and we might publish it on our site.

category : NATURE | FACE

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