Optical Illusion : Uneven Circle

You might have seen so many similar illusions so far if you love them. This is another one of those distorted illusions that you have already seen with some variations. The circle amidst the distorted lines appears to be uneven as well. However that is not truth and only an illusion. The distorted lines themselves are responsible in creating this illusion. The lines are drawn in different directions and thus the circle appears to be distorted in several directions. If they would have been in the same direction, the circle might have appeared regular.

category : TRICKY


Optical Illusion : Amazing Missing Shapes

What geometrical figure can you perceive in the two images?

Optical Illusion : Most Popular Jesus

Stare at the image for about a minute with concentration and then look at the blank wall in front of you. What do you see?

category : AMAZING | FACE

Optical Illusion : Amazing Airplane 3D Street Art

Optical Illusion : Shrinking Phantom Cross

Now this one is an amazing illusion that can also be categorized under non-animated optical illusions. There are four same looking patterns and between them is a space creating a cross. If you just keep looking or running your eyes here and there in the image, you will feel as if the cross is continuously shrinking. There is no reason it will stop despite of the fact that it is just what our mind is perceiving and not real.

category : COOL | MOVING

Optical Illusion : Beautiful Pink Rose

This time, we have a beautiful afterimage illusion for you. Scroll to down to find an attached image. You have to concentrate on the left image (with green color) by looking at the cross in middle. Stare it for about a minute or longer (depending on the fact if you were able to achieve the illusion or not). Then immediately shift your eyes on the cross on the right image of black and white rose. You will find that it transforms into a beautiful pink rose.

category : AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Simple Curved Lines

There are so many illusions based on the nature of two lines - parallel or curved. So many of them have been shared by us as well. This one is probably one of the simplest ones and yet it is able to achieve the desirable effect. These two lines are parallel in reality. You can even check and verify the statement. However, the pattern behind it that is made by concurrent lines is forcing us to perceive them as bent or curved.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Lord of War Movie Poster

We are not sure if you have watched this movie or not. It is a good one time watch if you are asking for an opinion on the same. But let us not move into the review and concentrate on Nicholas Cage here. Of course you can see him but you can also see how the figure has been made. They are bullet shells and different sizes and colors of shells have been used to craft a passport size photograph of the actor. This also goes quite well with the theme of the movie. Again, it is an amazing work of art and we appreciate the efforts of the artist.

Optical Illusion : Stretchable Cat

This cat has got to have a rubbery body to stretch like that. Of course cats can't have so long bodies so how was she able to stretch so much? Well it appears like this from this angle only. If you would have looked from another angle, you would know that there are actually two creatures. The head you see on the top belongs to another cat. This is the reason behind this illusion. But yeah, the timing and angle was perfect.

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : Rafting on the Street

Wow was our first expression after watching this amazing illusion. These two people are rafting live on the street. But how did a canal opened up on the street and gave way to a river with such a roaring flow of water? Well actually it's all an art. Just the people in this picture are real. Everything else you see has been painted on the road. The details are just amazing and it looks like both of them are enjoying the rafting. But are they not aware of the alligator waiting just for them on the other end? Well, the alligator looks creepy frankly and his eye shows his sinister intentions.

category : ART | ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Amazing Landscape Painting

Even though this illusion is not a complex one, it is soothing to the eyes and an amazing work of art. Those are just the mountains and a river with a boat in it. You can see some clouds in the sky as well. But what makes the cloud different is how the artist has managed to pull the cloud into his artistic approach and form hot air balloon with them. This is the ISP of this illusion. Even though there is not a lot into it but this sole thought makes it so much impressive.

category : ART

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