Optical Illusion : Trippy Fan Pattern

Why do we call this a trippy fan pattern? If you notice in the center, you will notice a distinct shape that appears to be in the shape of a fan or the flower petals. Do you feel that it is moving? Keep staring for some time and you might feel it to be actually rotating. The reason is the background and the fact that the shape has been taken out from the same background with a slightly beveled nature. It is perfectly fine if you are not able to see it rotate. Not all people can experience this illusion.

category : TRIPPY


Optical Illusion : Waterfall out of Water Bottle

The illusion that this person has been able to achieve is truly remarkable. At the first look, you might feel that the water is actually falling from the bottle. But take a closer look, it is not a water flow but a water fall that is emerging out of the bottle. The placement of the bottle, the angle and perspective and the ability of the one who clicked the picture makes this illusion look stunning. You can try such illusions yourself. Do stop by a waterfall next time to take one of your own.

Optical Illusion : Surfing in the Sea 3D Mall Art

We bet that this would have been the finest attraction of the shopping mall at that particular time. People must have literally rushed to see this magnificent piece of 3D chalk art. It appears so realistic that you must have been wondering how. Hats off to the artist for inducing so much of the details into his art. Take your time and marvel at the extensive details. How about if you get a chance to click a selfie while lying over the sand?

Optical Illusion : Cannibal Giant at Beach

Somebody stop this cannibal from eating the pretty lady! Yes we know that all you wanted was to rescue this lady from this man who is all set to eat her up. What a wonderful illusion the photographer has created here. It is surely worth mentioning here. Can somebody clarify it is a real illusion or photoshopped afterwards? If this has done live, then this is really something. It is another example how playful you can be when you visit a beach next time.

Optical Illusion : Vibrating Pink Pattern

This illusion has no installed brakes. It keeps on vibrating constantly even if you look at it for a sec or for a minute. But at just a couple of seconds, you may perceive a spiral as well. This spiral does not rotate at a specific direction enhancing the trippy nature of the image. Were you able to spot that spiral? Did you notice something else too? Mention your experience in t7he comments section.

category : COOL | TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Strange Disappearing Act

Mind us when we say that this one is not one of the regular disappearing illusions you may have seen. It has a bit different flavor to it. You can see two different images below. First, look in the center of the first image for some time. Now move your eyes to the center of the second image. What did you see? You might have seen some strange patterns moving. Or did you see something else? Did the image fade out or flicker? You can try one more thing with this illusion. After staring for some time, if you move your head closer and away from the screen, you will see some awesome effects. Drop in your experiences in the comment section.

category : AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Enigmatic Painting

This is a marvelous piece of art. The painting might look simple at the first glance but if you concentrate, you will be awarded with one fine example of ambiguous illusion. What was the first thing you perceived? We are sure that most of you saw the face of an old man. But if you concentrate, you will see a horse rider in the image. Once you can find it, it will be a lot difficult to perceive the old man's face again. Anyways, you can also find a women lying down on the right side of the rider. Also, now you may perceive the white hair as a river flowing down and the dark hair at the right most as trees. Were you able to perceive anything else than that? Do leave in your comments if you were.

category : ART | FACE

Optical Illusion : Falling people 3D Art

We all have seen so many 3d arts and everytime you browse through internet, you definitely find so many new ones. Artists all over the world have been creating this amazing 3d arts which looks so much believable that you will be left amazed. This post includes a similar illusion that will leave you breathless. Those two guys in the picture seems to be falling to the depths of the earth. But the truth is that it is just a 3d art. The perspective, the angles, the guys pretending to be falling adds up to make it so realistic that you won't believe your eyes. The only giveaway is the people standing on that hollow surface telling us that it is just and art.

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Robotic Man

A matter of excellent timing or an excellent angle? Well we can say that both matters here. It appears at the first look that the person sitting is actually a robot or at least a robot faced. The picture is clicked from behind the holding bars and that is the reason why it looks like that. So any other angle or any odd timing would have ruined this illusion. If you liked the illusion, do not forget to share it among your friends. Sharing is caring.

category : FUNNY | COOL

Optical Illusion : Scary Pumpkin Carving

By all means, this pumpkin looks quite scary. We wonder if anybody is exposed to this sight at night, will he be scared or very scared. Gosh! Look at those fangs. It looks like he is all set to gulp down his next target or may be suck that damn blood from the victim. Other than the scary facial features, the artist has carved the entire pumpkin which is evident from this view of the camera. Most of the people just carve on one front but he has done quite some efforts to do it all the way round and the result is amazing.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Swimming Pool

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