Optical Illusion : Tree in a Barren Land

Well you can clearly see that the entire land is not barren. But that barren portion when looked from the bird eye view is actually crafting a shape. The shape of a tree in a barren land here is acting like an ironical metaphor. But let's not go into all that stuff for now. Let's just concentrate on this beautiful illusion that is a part of the nature. If you zoom in to the above portion, you can even make out branches making it much more impressive.


Optical Illusion : Disguised Chameleon

We all know the physical characteristics of a chameleon and the special abilities they possess to camouflage themselves anytime, anywhere as per the surroundings. But still, some images will astonish you. The below image is an excellent example. Anybody will take it as a dry leaf only but only till the moment that he is told about a chameleon hiding in the picture. Whoever has clicked this snap has done a super amazing job at it. Without interfering with anything, this illusion suffices as a natural disappearing effect illusion.

Optical Illusion : Vanishing Red Dots

This is an interesting illusion that we have categorized under disappearing effect illusions. In the image, you can see so many tiny red dots. What you have to do is pick up any of the red dots. Now, just stare at that dot for some time. What did you notice? If you keep staring for a few seconds, all the other red dots will disappear. Now try the same with another dot. This stands true for every other dot as well.

category : COOL | AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Impossible Fence

Now this is an impressive model of a fence. We are sure you can recognize the paradox here. The two vertical blocks can never be connected by the horizontal blocks in such a manner in real world. But someone has manipulated (or created) this image in an image editing software. From the look of it, it feels somebody has created a 3d model in a 3d software but those software work in real environment. It is difficult to find out how the artist did it but he has done a real good job for sure.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Touching the Moon

This guy has achieved what might be a dream of so many. He has touched the moon. This illusion is really awesome. There are so many things that are involved to make it believable and appear so amazing. The biker guy must have been stunting. The bike is merely in the air and the camera angle is so perfect that it really feels that he is touching the moon. The camera angle and the timing was most important is creating this illusion and that has been done neatly.

Optical Illusion : Big Feet Man

This man here has got some exceptionally giant feet as compared to his body. And look at his expressions. It's like he just woke up to find them so giant. It is funny right? Now to reveal this illusion, the shoes are actually quite close to the camera and thus they appear so big. So how come he has his feet inside them? Well he does not have them inside. His feet are just hidden behind the shoes. We just perceive it like that because that's what camera asks us to do.

Optical Illusion : Showering the Man with Water

How will you feel if somebody unknown does that to you? Well we will be pretty enraged. But the fact here is that it is not happening in real. Yes you read it right. That person holding the shower is merely watering the plants which are blooming in the back. The person sitting on the bench is sitting ahead from that place. Actually there is the bend on the margin wall and the bench is situated at the inside bend. This makes both the watering guy and the sitting guy in the same line. This is why it appears so.

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : Kill Bill

That's just a normal man. But wait what do you see as the door opens? The man is literally split into two and when the doors open fully you know the reason. Uma Thurman is literally on a killing spree again. The blood smeared sword puts the additional details to the illusion. Well obviously if you are not familiar with the movie you might be wondering what we are babbling about. So for the people who don't know, this illusion signifies a popular movie franchise. It is giving an illusion that the girl with the sword has cut the man into half with the sword.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Dirty Logo

Now, whoever has made this logo either had a very dirty mind or simply could not understand how it could be perceived? We are sure you have already perceived it thinking with your dirty minds. It is actually funny. Consider the huge sized logo in the banners. Wouldn't the passerby actually laugh at it? Sometimes, people actually don't give it a thought. It is only after one has designed something that the realization hits him but it's too late by then. We hope this company changed their logo quickly.

Optical Illusion : Peeking Eyes under the Sheet

Remember the cartoons you saw as a child? How many times have you seen such a scene? Even in the horror movies or the animated movies these days, you can find such a situation where someone picks up the bed sheet and finds two eyes staring back from under. The same illusion has been created here. The only difference is that this is merely a two dimensional sketch whereas it appears to exist in three dimensions. The folds make it look quite realistic and that is where the artist has done a good job. This is the basic level and you can begin here if you wish to create some of your own 3d sketches.

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Beautiful Girl 3D Sketch

This is absolutely stunning. How can someone create such a graceful woman sketch with a three dimensional effect. Except probably the facial expressions that appear to be a little hard, the rest of the posture, the arms and the dress simply looks so beautiful, so elegant and so graceful. Guess we used three adjectives defining the same meaning. Probably we were too charmed by the output that the artist has managed to produce in this three dimensional sketch.

category : ART | 3D

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