Optical Illusion : Strange Disappearing Act

Mind us when we say that this one is not one of the regular disappearing illusions you may have seen. It has a bit different flavor to it. You can see two different images below. First, look in the center of the first image for some time. Now move your eyes to the center of the second image. What did you see? You might have seen some strange patterns moving. Or did you see something else? Did the image fade out or flicker? You can try one more thing with this illusion. After staring for some time, if you move your head closer and away from the screen, you will see some awesome effects. Drop in your experiences in the comment section.

category : AMAZING


Optical Illusion : Two Faces Or Vase

What do you see in the given picture ?

Optical Illusion : Tricky Same Color Shades

The block A seems darker than the block B. Is it really darker?

Optical Illusion : Famous In or Out

The red ball (dot) is inside the cube or it is outside it?

Optical Illusion : Light Bulb Afterglow

Just stare with full concentration on the bulb for about a minute. But before that open up a white space (notepad, word, paint etc.) on the side of the image. Now after you stare for a minute, quickly move your eyes on the white space. Do you see anything?

category : COOL | AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Impossible Swimming Pool

This is a really fascinating paradox art. Hats off to the artist as it looks extremely real to the naked eyes. The shadows and lighting is just perfect and adds so much more depth to this illusion. You can see a man climbing for the diving board and you can also see his distant shadow on floor. But the board he is climbing for connects to the surface only. How can this be possible? Well it can't be (in real life) but it looks so believable in the picture. This is really one of the best paradox illusions we have ever come across so far.

category : IMPOSSIBLE | ART

Optical Illusion : Pulling up the Curtain

What is this lady doing in the picture? Seeking the broom on the side, it seems that she has finished cleaning and now lifting a curtain (to clean or to throw?). The pulled curtain reveals a solid brick wall on the other side. For a second we could not believe our eyes as the brick wall looks to realistic. But then, it is just an art. Everything you see in this picture has been painted. The illusion it is creating is impressive and the artist in our view has done a good job.

category : ART | ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Cute Cat Carving

Now one has to be a serious cat lover to carve such a cute version of the cat ironically on a jack-o'-lantern which are meant to be scary or creepy. The carving is three dimensional and it gives much needed depth to this illusion. The details are fine and smooth offering it a realistic look. The front limbs near the mouth is actually offering it the cuteness. The big eyes expresses much as well. A job well done by the artist.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Creepy Owl Carving

One can consider this craving as 2.5 dimensional as it does not have much depth to it. But the carving is extremely detailed. The tree branches, the owl's body and detailing over the face has been done with much detail. Frankly, it does not even look like a carving. It looks as if someone has sketched into a piece of paper; it is that much detailed. Must have taken a lot of time we guess. Anyhow, we loved this carved illusion. Do you?

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Michael Jackson Shadow

Now this has to be a tribute to the legend that is present alive in so many hearts today. The shadow as you see clearly hints towards Michael Jackson in his signature pose. But what created the shadow? As you cans see in the front, there is scraped metal that has probably been welded together. It's crazy if you start thinking how do artists work upon such illusions. Well the answer should be the dedication and hard work they do while doing such things. It does not happens over a night but requires days of practice.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Ship with Scraped Metal

So, we have come up with another scraped metal shadow illusion. This time, it is a ship, a huge sailing ship. Again, if you look at the scraped and welded metal, nothing is clear. No one can have any idea why the metal pieces have been welded in this manner. But the moment you throw light on the scraped metal, you find a shadow on the opposite side that is enough to sweep you off your feet. A huge ship is what you see and then comes the wondering. How is this even possible? Well you have to ask the artist for the explanation.

category : AMAZING

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