Optical Illusion : Statue Trumpet Blowing Clouds

Alright, someone has got a great creativity and sense of perspective or camera angle. Of course if you were present at the place and were looking from some different direction, you would not have been able to see it like this. The photographer chose this specific angle to create the illusion that you are watching right now. But to decide the camera angle, you must first have a creative mind to think about it in that sense. It feels as if the clouds are coming out through the trumpet. Definitely a good cloud illusion.

category : ANAMORPHIC


Optical Illusion : Famous Sander

Which of the blue lines is longer than the other?

Optical Illusion : Magical Flying Carpet

What! That carpet is flying for real? You must have been shocked at the first look. Seems like this picture has been taken from one of those street magic shows. But when you will find the reason behind this illusion, you will be amazed at the creativity of the photographer. Can you find a blue flag in the picture? The shadow which appears to be made by the carpet is actually the shadow cast by that flag. Isn't it amazing?

Optical Illusion : Hyper Realistic Acrylic Masterpiece

You might have thought that it is an acrylic painting painted by some great artist. But what if we tell you that this is a real life model and what you are looking at is not a painting built a real life snap? You will be shocked right? You will watch it over and over again but you won't believe in us even then. Well if that I the case, you may Google the name Alexa Meade and you will know the truth. The artist is so phenomenal with her skills that it is just unbelievable for our minds when we are told that all what you see are real life objects and even real life model that have been painted to make them look like an acrylic painting.

Optical Illusion : Astonishing Green Dot

Today, we have another color adapting optical illusion that will blow your mind. You can see so many colored dots in the picture below. Can you tell us the color of the center-most big dot? It is green right? But what if we tell you that it is actually grey?

category : LOGIC | AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Darth Vader Coffee Foam Art

This amazing art is sure to surprise the star wars fans. For others it might just be a simple character face but the fans can definitely relate more to it. It is obvious that the artist was a big fan of the franchise as well. Whatever it may be, the fact here is that the artist has done a fabulous job. Sometimes we do wonder how much art has progressed. The coffee foam arts surly surprises us in one of the most shocking ways.

Optical Illusion : Hidden Face in the Environment

This picture is a little too over occupied but then, it is creating a magnificent illusion. There is a lot in this picture that you can perceive. Let us begin with the basic environment which is constituted by the tree, grass, shrub, water/river and the buildings on the far end. There is something in the middle of the image but we are not sure what it is. The next major thing you will perceive is a face formed using all the objects in the picture. There is something very deep about the face. Oh but let us not dive into the pool of philosophy here. Let us enjoy this amazing ambiguous illusion for what all it is offering.

Optical Illusion : Showering the Man with Water

How will you feel if somebody unknown does that to you? Well we will be pretty enraged. But the fact here is that it is not happening in real. Yes you read it right. That person holding the shower is merely watering the plants which are blooming in the back. The person sitting on the bench is sitting ahead from that place. Actually there is the bend on the margin wall and the bench is situated at the inside bend. This makes both the watering guy and the sitting guy in the same line. This is why it appears so.

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : Floorless Elevator

Now this elevator literally has no floor. Make sure you look below before you step into an elevator next time. We are just kidding though. The floor is there. So why can't you see it? This is because someone has created an art over the floor and painted it in a manner that you feel there is no floor. The artist has done an amazing job for sure. It looks pretty realistic and can definitely put anyone is jeopardy. We don't know how it will look from any other angle but from here, it is quite and scary in fact.

category : AMAZING | ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Stripping on Street

One has to be crazy to strip like that in public. People do anything to grab the attention of the masses. This is one of such cases. Well not in a wrong manner of course. What we said is how the photographer wants us to perceive things. The truth is however that she is not stripping. What you see emerging out of her sweatshirt is actually her elbow. She has folded her arm in a manner that is stimulating your dirty brains. A commendable job if done voluntarily but a funny mistake if done involuntarily.

Optical Illusion : Statue of Liberty Shadow

This is definitely an easy one. But yet, the effort and innovativeness was good. You actually have to think before doing anything. After watching something, so many people can imitate but to come up with something is actually difficult. This is what the lady is doing in this illusion. She has positioned herself in the position like you can see in the statue of liberty. We are not sure what she has in her hair that are making up for the crown. Overall, the output is decent enough and something you can try at homes as well.

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