Optical Illusion : Spot the Scary Thing

At the first look, this image just shows a few dead branches with some grass. It is pretty normal and you might have across such things walking into the forests and the farms. But if you can spot the thing, you will be scare to do that now. Concentrate on the image and you will definitely be able to find it. If you were not able to, then try a few times more and then read further. There is a creepy giant spider in this image camouflaged perfectly. So next time you are having an adventurous walk into the forests, beware before stepping in such areas.

category : ANAMORPHIC


Optical Illusion : Popular Rolling Waves

You don't have to move or tilt your head. Hold it still. Now just scroll this page up and down. What do you see?

Optical Illusion : Popular Book

Where is the book pointing towards? Is it towards you or away from you?

Optical Illusion : Color of the Ring

Is the shade of grey on the ring even on both of the sides?

category : PUZZLES

Optical Illusion : Most Popular Jesus

Stare at the image for about a minute with concentration and then look at the blank wall in front of you. What do you see?

category : AMAZING | FACE

Optical Illusion : Fountain out of Mouth

This illusion is so simple and yet so awesome. The placement of the lady and the erupting fountain behind her aligned with her mouth produces an amazingly fun illusion. I bet most of us have been around such fountains so many times, but we never thought of doing something like this. We are sure you will, the next time you visit any such place.

category : FUNNY | COOL

Optical Illusion : Zipper on Bare Back

Not just one, but two zippers are present on her skin. This is a marvelous work by the artist. He has transformed the soft skin into a hard looking zipper as if the whole skin was worn by the model as a jacket over her skeleton. It is amazing how much authenticity he has been able to put in his body paint art. Really a commendable job.

category : AMAZING | ART

Optical Illusion : Astonishing Green Dot

Today, we have another color adapting optical illusion that will blow your mind. You can see so many colored dots in the picture below. Can you tell us the color of the center-most big dot? It is green right? But what if we tell you that it is actually grey?

category : LOGIC | AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Angry Bird Coffee Foam Art

Angry bird is one of the most popular android game franchise. Oh yes the PC versions are also available but with the android platform, the game gained a whole new level of popularity. This coffee foam art is definitely a production of a fan mindset. It is crazy how much details can be put in something like that. Look at the expressions of the bird. It do look exactly like we have seen in the game. The details that the artist has given to the expressions is commendable. How do you find this art?

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Falling people 3D Art

We all have seen so many 3d arts and everytime you browse through internet, you definitely find so many new ones. Artists all over the world have been creating this amazing 3d arts which looks so much believable that you will be left amazed. This post includes a similar illusion that will leave you breathless. Those two guys in the picture seems to be falling to the depths of the earth. But the truth is that it is just a 3d art. The perspective, the angles, the guys pretending to be falling adds up to make it so realistic that you won't believe your eyes. The only giveaway is the people standing on that hollow surface telling us that it is just and art.

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Dragon or Evil Face

Yes, we can see the devil's face with his angry eyes and the typical hat on his head. Those eyes definitely give us creeps. It feels like he is going to erupt out any moment now. But we are sure you also see a dragon in this picture. Now let's concentrate on the dragon's picture. A person on the right bottom is trying to fight off the dragon. We can see the mountains in the backdrop and a creepy night sky. All these attributes have been used to form the devil's face in some way or the other. Astonishing work by the artist for sure.

category : ART

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