Optical Illusion : Spiraling Down Trippy Pattern

You might have seen many of such spirals all over the internet. This is the one for the beginners. If we throw in some contrasting colors, it will definitely become quite trippy but with just black and white pattern, this is quite mild and best for people who complain of headaches after watching trippy illusions. This is where you can begin. You feel that the pattern is spiraling down. If you don't feel it moving, try some other illusions.

category : TRIPPY


Optical Illusion : Impossibly Real Painted Basketball

No this can't be right! No way can this basketball be a painted illusion. An anamorphic art cannot be so real by any means. We all thought the same with the first glance. Though we can't deny the fact that we still feel the same. This is because it appears so real that you almost want to pick it up and dribble it. But then, it is a stunningly real 3d anamorphic artwork in reality. Whoever has created this illusion surely deserves a bow from us.

Optical Illusion : Hyper Realistic Acrylic Masterpiece

You might have thought that it is an acrylic painting painted by some great artist. But what if we tell you that this is a real life model and what you are looking at is not a painting built a real life snap? You will be shocked right? You will watch it over and over again but you won't believe in us even then. Well if that I the case, you may Google the name Alexa Meade and you will know the truth. The artist is so phenomenal with her skills that it is just unbelievable for our minds when we are told that all what you see are real life objects and even real life model that have been painted to make them look like an acrylic painting.

Optical Illusion : Magical Rainbow in the Sky

This is a simple illusion but we promise you that the result is likely to put a smile on your face. Yeah right that is what some of the illusions are meant for. So, there is an image on rainbow below. If you spot a black dot, you're good to go. Just stare at that black dot concentrating a bit for about twenty five seconds. Now immediately look at the sky. What do you see? You will be able to see a rainbow in the sky if you do it right. Interesting right?

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Innocent Girls

You can see two girls in this picture. The second girl looks more like a mirror image. So the first girl might be standing in front of a mirror formed with the carvings of a tree and branches. How else will you justify this mysterious image? But the illusion is not about that. Instead it is something more sinister. Can you see a skull in the image? You did not look in that direction right? Look for a tilted skull by placing the head of the two girls as eyes ad their frock as the teeth/mouth. Were you able to place it now?

Optical Illusion : Life and Death

This is a terrific artistic work. This image does not comprises of any complexities but simply predicts two extremes of any organism i.e. life and death. Simply put colors in the backdrop of the original art and carving it off in that shape has added so much meaning in this simple looking image. Of course you can see two birds in front of the branches and a butterfly as well. But the branches, the cutout and the leaves have been used in order to craft a skull within the same image. This offers an artistic approach towards the cycle of life and death.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Leaning Tower of Pisa

You all must be familiar with the Leaning Tower of Pisa right. Today, we bring you an illusion based on the same. Two pictures of the tower have been placed side by side. Now you have to decide which one is leaning towards the right more. If you said that it is the right one, then you are in for a surprise. This is because if you try to measure the tilt, you will find that both of them are equally leaned. But still, the right one appears to be more tilted. This is because of a slightly different camera angle in the second image that makes it appear like it is more tilted.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Holding My Own Head

Of course if you add a bit of lighting here in this picture after converting it into a night scene, it will appear to be scary instead of funny. For now, it looks pretty amusing also because of the fact that you already know it is an illusion. So how was this achieved? We are guessing that the head belongs to someone else who is standing in front of the person. The missing head might be hidden inside the pullover. But that's just one explanation. Do you have something other than this? Do make use of the comments if you have found out something else.

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : Trippy Flickr

Now this is a simple image. It's almost like spokes in the flags. The only difference is that the spokes become pointed at the center making several isosceles triangles that join at the center. You might not able to feel anything. But if you just scroll this page up and down while looking at the image, you will feel the motion and then if you keep doing it, it will be extremely trippy for viewing. Stop whenever you feel that it's not going well with your brain and you are feeling awkward or sick.

category : TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Head out of Mouth

In this picture, it appears as if a head is popping out of this man's mouth. It is pretty much like those horror movies we see these days. It was a hand in The Possession and seems they have improved from hand to a complete head. However this is just the result of a photo bomb. The head belongs to a person who is present at the far end of the picture. The positioning has been set to ultimately give out the effect that the head is coming out of the mouth.

Optical Illusion : Tree Trunk Puzzle

What extra would you be able to find in this picture ?

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