Optical Illusion : Simple Rabbit or Duck

This is another simple example of ambiguous illusion. You can even draw it out on a paper for your kid/s. What you have to determine is whether the figure drawn here portrays a rabbit or a duck. It's really funny how some simple strokes of lines are able to play with our mind. You will surly agree with us when we say that this is as simple as it can get when we are talking about an ambiguous illusion.


Optical Illusion : Cool Rotating Gears

Can you find the gears slowly rotating?

category : COOL | MOVING

Optical Illusion : Spiraling Dots

Before you move forward to look at the illusion with concentration, we would like to warn you that it can also be categorized under trippy illusions, so proceed with caution if you are prone to nausea while concentrating at such images for long. Now, if you see this image, you can find the dots spiraling down towards the center. So what is responsible for this illusion? If you look closely, the dots are drawn in a spiral form. The size is decreasing as you go down. Also, contrasted shades has been used. Together they combine to give the final result that you are perceiving in the image.

category : COOL | TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Scary Paper Bag

At the first glance, you must have felt like the picture had really come to life. This is purely a work of creativity. If you realize, there is always a gap in every poly bag or paper bag where you slide in your fingers to hold the bag. The artist has simply used that space to depict the mouth of the woman. Thus the person who is holding it by inserting the fingers inside the gap is not even aware of the fact that from a distance it looks like the lady printed on the bag is actually eating her hand. Did you like this illusion? Do share among your friends if you did.

category : FUNNY | ART

Optical Illusion : Dancing Tree Girl

This is another tree illusion which has been captured from an excellent camera angle making it so effective. Of course we need not explain much to you in context as you can clearly make out the figure of a girl who is supposedly doing a dance move lifting one of her leg in the air. The two branches that are moving upwards fill in for her hands and you can even make out the chest line from this angle. A work of nature indeed glorified by the photographer.

Optical Illusion : Freeing The Birds

This is an extremely impressive illusion. We know that what appears to be is not happening in real but there are hardly any traces that suggest it. The best aspect is how greatly the picture is timed. Any second delay would have completely destroyed what this illusion has achieved. To tell you, a guy is holding the jar near to the camera lens and the birds are flying high up in the sky. The angle combined with perspective has been responsible for what you are seeing here. It's beautiful right?

Optical Illusion : Pulling up the Curtain

What is this lady doing in the picture? Seeking the broom on the side, it seems that she has finished cleaning and now lifting a curtain (to clean or to throw?). The pulled curtain reveals a solid brick wall on the other side. For a second we could not believe our eyes as the brick wall looks to realistic. But then, it is just an art. Everything you see in this picture has been painted. The illusion it is creating is impressive and the artist in our view has done a good job.

category : ART | ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Stripping on Street

One has to be crazy to strip like that in public. People do anything to grab the attention of the masses. This is one of such cases. Well not in a wrong manner of course. What we said is how the photographer wants us to perceive things. The truth is however that she is not stripping. What you see emerging out of her sweatshirt is actually her elbow. She has folded her arm in a manner that is stimulating your dirty brains. A commendable job if done voluntarily but a funny mistake if done involuntarily.

Optical Illusion : Trippy Donut

It seems like this image will never stop. There is no animation included. But the opposite spiral pattern on the donut shape and the background keeps contradicting with each other and thus reproduce and output that is received by our eyes as motion. If you can't notice anything, try to scroll the page up and down while looking at it. You can try another thing. If you save this image on your desktop, you can open it separately and try to zoom in and out while staring at it. Do tell us if you felt anything.

category : TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Ice Cream Cloud

This has to be a creative take on the cloud illusions. It appears to be that someone is eating an ice cream cone inside which the clouds are making up for the ice cream portion. How to achieve it? Whenever you find a similar cloud, hold an ice cream cone close to the camera and position accordingly before clicking the picture. Of course, one has to give credit to this creativity. It is easy to imitate things but difficult to think of them originally.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Floating Tap

This image is bound to generate curiosity in every mind. "How is this possible?" is the question which crops up in mind after seeing this. This marvelous illusion is created with the help of a hidden pipe under the stream of water. This whole structure stands on it. While supporting the structure, the pipe also serves as water carrier.

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