Optical Illusion : Tricky Same Color Shades

The block A seems darker than the block B. Is it really darker?


Optical Illusion : Waterfall out of Water Bottle

The illusion that this person has been able to achieve is truly remarkable. At the first look, you might feel that the water is actually falling from the bottle. But take a closer look, it is not a water flow but a water fall that is emerging out of the bottle. The placement of the bottle, the angle and perspective and the ability of the one who clicked the picture makes this illusion look stunning. You can try such illusions yourself. Do stop by a waterfall next time to take one of your own.

Optical Illusion : Scary Death Trap Elevator 3d Art

What if the elevator's doors opened up and you found out this? We are pretty sure you will lose your balance even before taking your first step inside. Certainly such arts can give you a chill down your spine. But what an amazing art by the artist. It looks so real that most of us will not step inside before touching the floor with our bare hands and confirming that it is just an art.

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Liu Bolin Disappearing Act

Liu Bolin is an extremely famous illusionist popular for his disappearing illusions. The man's talent is unparalleled for sure. If you don't believe us, just look at the attached picture. At the first look most of the people will fail to recognize that there is a man standing in the picture. Liu paints himself to blend with the background efficiently. He is popularly known as the Vanishing Artist. This picture is taken at a supermarket in Beijing.

Optical Illusion : Astonishing Chess Pieces

We have something for you that will leave you completely shocked. Now this illusion can be a bit tricky and you will have to understand first before trying it. We are telling you that the two set of chess pieces that you see in the image below are of exactly same gradient. Don't be so fast to mock at us. Now if you want to prove it, just open the image in any image editing software. Now carefully pick up any spot in the first image of any chess piece. Check at the same spot in the second image and you will agree with the fact that they certainly are of same gradient.

Optical Illusion : Legs Up or Down

This is a simple example of ambiguous illusion. Whoever has created this image has done a good job in framing the ambiguous effect. You just have to look at the picture and decide if it shows some feet raised up high or it shows some feet hanging down. Confused right? Let us tell you a secret. The image works in both ways. This is because it has been created in such a way. The artist has just fused the image so you may perceive both in a single image.

category : ART | PERCEPTION

Optical Illusion : Paradox Staircase

This is quite a popular illusion and you might have found it at so many places on the internet. How could we refrain from putting it on our site then? Yes it looks absolutely normal on the first glance. But just observe and analyze the image carefully. Do you think you can ever come up with a real life version of it? Can it even exist anywhere other than a virtual medium? Of course it can't. It is an example of paradox figures and by all means, it contradicts whatever it suggest itself.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Headless Girl in Restaurant

Well this is a sheer sign of creativity. You can clearly see a girl sitting along with another girl who has a head missing. The first thought will obviously be that the photo has been edited. But let us tell you that it is not the trick here. Can you find some salt and pepper boxes in the picture. Why are they double? It is because there is a mirror in between for the partition. This is the reason why you are seeing a headless girl. It is actually a mirror reflection. You are seeing only till the mirror is there. Isn't it awesome? Well you can try the same when you are sitting in a similar fashioned restaurant next time.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Dog Man

Now this is something really amusing. It really feels like there is a dog human or dogman sitting on the seat. Were you able to find the truth behind this illusion? Actually there is a person sitting on the seat and next to him, there is a dog. The person's head is not visible because he is probably dozing off with his head lying out of the range of camera. This is the reason that you are seeing a dogman instead of two different living beings in the picture. The illusion is amazing though.

Optical Illusion : Sailing in the Sky

Obviously, this painting is a paradox. This is not possible and self-contradictory. The fact is that the sea has been merged with the sky which can't exists in real world. But for the painters, anything is possible. The land is getting merged with the water and the water is getting merged with sky. The ships thus appear to be sailing in the sky. However if you look at the far end, it is sailing rightfully in the water. The overall effect of this illusion is quite interesting.

category : IMPOSSIBLE | ART

Optical Illusion : Trippy Flower Bed

There is no movement in this image. Obviously it is not a gif but in certain images, you experience motion within the still images. This is not one of them. But the pattern has been made in a manner that if you move your eyes through it, you feel high. It's not a big deal if you even develop a heavy head within a minute. So proceed with caution and at your own risk. Whoever designed this image has turned out to be extremely good.

category : TRIPPY

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