Optical Illusion : Reversed World

At the first glance, especially when you don't read the title of this illusion, you will be amazed. You will feel like you are watching an amazing piece of art or an extremely beautifully edited image as this is not possible in the real world. How can it be? When you are done with adorning the image, you can just turn this image 180 degrees and find out the truth. This is what exactly was going on. This photo has just been turned upside down and the shadows have been made by an overhead sun. Next time when you come across anything like this, do not forget to tilt the image to find out truth.

category : TRICKY


Optical Illusion : Different or Same Brightness

Are the grey blocks on the left lighter in shade than the right ones?

Optical Illusion : Popular Moving Spirals

This is a mild illusion. You can see the spirals circling down if you concentrate a bit. This moving spiral illusion can be seen by people who find difficulty in staring at optical illusions.

category : MOVING

Optical Illusion : Famous In or Out

The red ball (dot) is inside the cube or it is outside it?

Optical Illusion : Popular Ikemath's Impossible Pillars

The first thing to notice in this illusion is the placement of the watch along with the figure. What does it tell? Certainly it has been kept there to tell us that this illusion is created in real world and thus is pretty possible even though it looks so impossible. But how? To know that we must have the access of the object itself. It is a particular camera angle that makes it appear in this manner. What if we chose another camera angle?

Optical Illusion : Disappearing Blue Circle

You can see the faded blue circle very well right? Now just stare at the red dot in the middle for some time. Did the blue circle just disappear? But it was right there. Wait it is still there. Sometimes, the illusions are characterized by what we perceive rather than what is real. In such cases, your eyes sees something and your brain sees something else. This illusion is a great example of such illusions.

category : LOGIC

Optical Illusion : Impossible Cube Paradox

You must have figured out what has gone wrong in this picture the moment you looked at it right? It has been manipulated to form a paradox. If you try to create any real life hollow cube like this, the edges will never overlap like this. It can only be done virtually however by no means it is possible in real world. That is the motto of paradox illusions and we really think that this image serves the purpose well.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Spiraling Dots

Before you move forward to look at the illusion with concentration, we would like to warn you that it can also be categorized under trippy illusions, so proceed with caution if you are prone to nausea while concentrating at such images for long. Now, if you see this image, you can find the dots spiraling down towards the center. So what is responsible for this illusion? If you look closely, the dots are drawn in a spiral form. The size is decreasing as you go down. Also, contrasted shades has been used. Together they combine to give the final result that you are perceiving in the image.

category : COOL | TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Imaginary Tunnel

Today, we have brought you an illusion that will take y our breath away. This illusion can explain the true nature of physiological illusions accurately. If you look at the image below (which might appear to be a bit trippy), you will find that a tunnel or a hall with pillars has been formed using black and white colored stripes. But what if we tell you that they are just plain 2d colors which have been used in a particular pattern or manner that it gives you an illusion that you are looking at a tunnel or hall. This is exactly how two plain colors can play with our mind by simulating information that is not correct at all.

Optical Illusion : Showering the Man with Water

How will you feel if somebody unknown does that to you? Well we will be pretty enraged. But the fact here is that it is not happening in real. Yes you read it right. That person holding the shower is merely watering the plants which are blooming in the back. The person sitting on the bench is sitting ahead from that place. Actually there is the bend on the margin wall and the bench is situated at the inside bend. This makes both the watering guy and the sitting guy in the same line. This is why it appears so.

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : 3D Mario Realistic Sketch

This will bring back the childhood memories. Of course, back then Mario did not appear in the three dimensional figure but keeping in the mind the popularity, the makes designed the 3d platform games for the kids. So let's not deviate from the topic here. The 3D Mario figure that you see is basically a two dimensional sketch. But it don't appear to be right? That is the art and the artist has been able to achieve great results for sure.

category : ART | 3D

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