Optical Illusion : Rafting on the Street

Wow was our first expression after watching this amazing illusion. These two people are rafting live on the street. But how did a canal opened up on the street and gave way to a river with such a roaring flow of water? Well actually it's all an art. Just the people in this picture are real. Everything else you see has been painted on the road. The details are just amazing and it looks like both of them are enjoying the rafting. But are they not aware of the alligator waiting just for them on the other end? Well, the alligator looks creepy frankly and his eye shows his sinister intentions.

category : ART | ANAMORPHIC


Optical Illusion : Cool Rotating Circles

Move your head closer to the screen and then move it away. Do it back and forth. What do you find?

Optical Illusion : Real Circle Shape-Distortion

There is a red circle in between the figure. Do you think it is a real circle or is it distorted?

Optical Illusion : Amazing Public Staircase Art

At first look it may come across your mind that someone has photoshopped the picture to make a fake illusion. But what if we tell you that this picture has been taken at the Bayview subway station in Toronto and it is a real life public illusion art? The art is certainly stunningly impressive. We all can see a staircase that goes from the floor to the middle of the wall. However what we perceive as a 3D object is merely a 2D drawing over the wall and floor to make an illusion. The artist is definitely great.

Optical Illusion : Amazing Dog with Wings

Sometimes, all you need to create a perfect outdoor illusion is a camera ready to snap a picture at the right moment. In the attached illusion, you can say the same. It is an extremely popular outdoor illusion that you might have seen in so many social media sites and circulating picture messages in the messengers. But yes, if the person who clicked it had not used this camera angle at the right moment, this illusion would have failed. So now, you can see a normal dog with wings on the beach. How cool a sight.

category : TRICKY | AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Blowing People Off Hand

Most of you must have already seen this illusion on social networking sites. It is one of the extremely popular ones and serves as a perfect example. This is how the perspective and distance can be used to create a magical snap. Obviously, the people are far off than the man and that is the reason why they are looking so small. Rest, it is just the creativity of the photographer which makes this illusion a stunning one.

Optical Illusion : Pillars or Figures

What did you see at the very first look of this image - figures or pillars? It is astonishing how simple pillars create an illusion if the spaces between them is filled with a contrasting black color. So don't worry if you saw the pillars or the figures, in the second or the third look, you will be able to see both of them. It is nothing but an illusion and pretty good and convincing at that.

Optical Illusion : Hidden Face in the Environment

This picture is a little too over occupied but then, it is creating a magnificent illusion. There is a lot in this picture that you can perceive. Let us begin with the basic environment which is constituted by the tree, grass, shrub, water/river and the buildings on the far end. There is something in the middle of the image but we are not sure what it is. The next major thing you will perceive is a face formed using all the objects in the picture. There is something very deep about the face. Oh but let us not dive into the pool of philosophy here. Let us enjoy this amazing ambiguous illusion for what all it is offering.

Optical Illusion : Using Escalator

This escalator leads straight to some sort of aquarium we guess seeking the blue water and the plant life that is visible from here. But what if we tell you that there is no escalator and the man is basically standing on a flat surface which has been painted to give an illusion of what we are seeing right now? You will be shocked like we were. This is because no one can predict that this staircase is actually just a 3d painting done by the artist. Full marks for innovation as well as the art. Seriously, these illusions proves that art has no limit.

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Deformed Face Pumpkin

This is the face of a deformed monster by all means. It looks as ugly as the beast you might have seen in so many movies. But the hands that worked on this pumpkin are surely creative and artistic. The artist has been able to craft out the fine details really well. The facial features are descriptive and detailed. If you noticed, there is a pumpkin emerging out of the forehead. Well that just gives it an uglier look. Is the monster splitting into two with the help of mitosis?

category : ART | FACE

Optical Illusion : Multi Depth Oil Canvas

What has been painted here is that the girl is sitting on a giant sofa and reading some book. There is a table in front of her that comprises of some more books, a vase, a glove, a fruit and a hand fan. But of course, we can also perceive the face of a man. The border of the sofa appears to be his hair, the armrest as his ears. The vase plant acts as one of his eyes, the hair of the girl as his eyebrows, her arms as his nose and the books and legs as the mouth portion. Well it is not a handsome figure but the face is evident. Another amazing painting illusion right?

category : ART

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