Optical Illusion : One Missed Call Movie Poster

One missed call is a Hollywood remake of a Japanese horror. While the original movie spawned a total of three installments, this remake could only come up with one. The reason was the inferior quality of the movie. Just for the suggestion, do not watch this remake and opt for the original instead. Coming to the illusion, this surly appears to be a disfigured and spooky face but just concentrate on it a bit more. Can you see two faces with mouth wide open that is sufficing as the eyes of the main face? This is a great job done by the artist who has created this poster.

category : ART | FACE


Optical Illusion : Tricky Same Color Shades

The block A seems darker than the block B. Is it really darker?

Optical Illusion : Standard Moving Square

Hold back your head steady. Now just scroll the webpage up and down with moderate speed. What do you see?

Optical Illusion : Stunning Perspective Pipe

This is an impossible pipe illusion that has been masterfully created by the creator taking up the perspective into consideration and fusing it into his art. The perspective here is reversed and thus the final effect that it is creating can put you to some deep thinking. Which part of the pipe should appear bigger with respect to the perspective and which should be in the front? It's confusing right?

category : IMPOSSIBLE | COOL

Optical Illusion : True Squares Shape-Distortion

Are these three true squares?

category : PERCEPTION

Optical Illusion : Climbing to Moon

The moon is so reachable to this person. But we were taught about the distance in our schools. Then how come it can appear to be reachable? There are several reasons behind this illusion. Fore mostly, in all these illusions, we appreciate the creativity and effort of the photographers. So yes, this would not have been possible without proper distance and the camera angle. Then, the placement of the ladder was very important. The final result is awesome.

category : COOL | ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Shrinking Phantom Cross

Now this one is an amazing illusion that can also be categorized under non-animated optical illusions. There are four same looking patterns and between them is a space creating a cross. If you just keep looking or running your eyes here and there in the image, you will feel as if the cross is continuously shrinking. There is no reason it will stop despite of the fact that it is just what our mind is perceiving and not real.

category : COOL | MOVING

Optical Illusion : Italicized characters

Look at the picture below. He characters combine to form a word UTE. But that is not what you have to consider. What you have to look at is the italicized nature of the characters. What if we tell you that these characters are not italicized but straight? You won't believe us and that is perfectly expected. But what you can do is take this picture into any photo editing software and then try to adjust the brightness and contrast such that you are left with just the letters. You will find out that they are actually straight only. The placement of the characters over the background is responsible for them appearing italicized.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Abnormally Long Beard

The first impression you will go through while looking at this pic will be that it has been photoshopped and not real. But what if we tell you that whatever you are looking at is completely real. However, we suggest you change your focus from the beard to the lower body of the man. Do you think something unusual? Yes, it is actually a girl who is standing in front of the guy. The height is perfectly appropriate to create this illusion. Also, the same colored clothes are responsible for the merging of two bodies that appear to be one. Isn't this illusion really awesome?

Optical Illusion : Sailing on the Street

At least the pool of water looks tremendously realistic in this picture. The boat however looks like it has been painted which it has been but look at the water. The ripples, the reflection of sky, building as well as the sailing boat. They all are so realistic that no way you can say they have been painted till you actually go there and touch the picture yourself. The artist is touching a finger in the water portion and it feels like he is causing those ripples. Excellent detailing we must say.

category : ART | ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Realistic Well Sketch

Look at the fine details of this amazing simple looking sketch. Other than the 3s sketching of the well, the artist thought of including his pencil in the sketch as well. Well, is the pencil real or even that has been painted? We believe it is real and the artist simply sketched its shadow on the paper. Ultimately, it is creating even more depth in the picture. This is an amazing sketch and even not a complicated one at that.

category : ART | 3D

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