Optical Illusion : Live Landscape

This is a unique illusion in every way. Seeing from here it feels like the frame is hollow from the middle. Of course that is not the case or we had not posted it here. He is actually painting on the canvas what is right in front of him. The painting is so realistic and the proportions are so accurate that it looks like a part of the real surrounding. It has been done beautifully and he is still giving the finishing touches in this snap. These kind of realistic real life paintings are one of a kind. If you loved the illusions, don't forget to share.

category : AMAZING | ART


Optical Illusion : Fountain out of Mouth

This illusion is so simple and yet so awesome. The placement of the lady and the erupting fountain behind her aligned with her mouth produces an amazingly fun illusion. I bet most of us have been around such fountains so many times, but we never thought of doing something like this. We are sure you will, the next time you visit any such place.

category : FUNNY | COOL

Optical Illusion : Disappearing Blue Circle

You can see the faded blue circle very well right? Now just stare at the red dot in the middle for some time. Did the blue circle just disappear? But it was right there. Wait it is still there. Sometimes, the illusions are characterized by what we perceive rather than what is real. In such cases, your eyes sees something and your brain sees something else. This illusion is a great example of such illusions.

category : LOGIC

Optical Illusion : Vanishing Surfaces

You might have already understood what you have to do right? You just have to stare at the black dot in the middle. Stare it long enough concentrating on nothing else except the dot and you will find that the blue surfaces disappear suddenly. Although, the image might have looked so simple to you in the beginning, the final effect of the illusion is really something right? We are sure that the people who like disappearing effects, will like this simple yet powerful illusion.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Spot the Scary Thing

At the first look, this image just shows a few dead branches with some grass. It is pretty normal and you might have across such things walking into the forests and the farms. But if you can spot the thing, you will be scare to do that now. Concentrate on the image and you will definitely be able to find it. If you were not able to, then try a few times more and then read further. There is a creepy giant spider in this image camouflaged perfectly. So next time you are having an adventurous walk into the forests, beware before stepping in such areas.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Celestial Coffee Foam Art

The artist has definitely won it for being creative. He has chosen the celestial bodies to be a subject of his art. He has focused on the planet Saturn and that was really clever as it is the only planet with a ring around it offering depth to the illusion. If it had been any other planet, it would not have been this explanatory. Using the stars and other circles around it has added more meaning to the art and it looks much more appealing. It is a job well done by the artist.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Young Girl or Old Woman

This is one of the most popular ambiguous illusion. We are sure that you may have seen this somewhere on the web. What you have to decide is whether this is a 1/4th face of a young girl's face or the side view of an old woman. You will easily be able to acknowledge the young girl but if you are facing any problem in perceiving the old woman's face, here is a tip for you. Just try to perceive the neck of the girl as the mouth of the old woman and her ear as old woman's eye. Were you able to see both? Tell us in your comments.

Optical Illusion : Robotic Man

A matter of excellent timing or an excellent angle? Well we can say that both matters here. It appears at the first look that the person sitting is actually a robot or at least a robot faced. The picture is clicked from behind the holding bars and that is the reason why it looks like that. So any other angle or any odd timing would have ruined this illusion. If you liked the illusion, do not forget to share it among your friends. Sharing is caring.

category : FUNNY | COOL

Optical Illusion : Using Escalator

This escalator leads straight to some sort of aquarium we guess seeking the blue water and the plant life that is visible from here. But what if we tell you that there is no escalator and the man is basically standing on a flat surface which has been painted to give an illusion of what we are seeing right now? You will be shocked like we were. This is because no one can predict that this staircase is actually just a 3d painting done by the artist. Full marks for innovation as well as the art. Seriously, these illusions proves that art has no limit.

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Giant Coffee Cup

It looks like someone from the Gulliver Travels has left is coffee cup on the road and that tiny human is trying to sort is cocoa powder in the coffee cup. Probably the artist has painted the cup too white and it is not matching up with the environment. This is the reason why one can clearly make out that it has been painted and it's not real. Other than that the shiny surface creating HDR reflections has been done pretty nicely. And gosh it actually looks like he is sitting there. See his knee is actually hiding the portion of cup in that area.

category : ART | ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Ice Cream Cloud

This has to be a creative take on the cloud illusions. It appears to be that someone is eating an ice cream cone inside which the clouds are making up for the ice cream portion. How to achieve it? Whenever you find a similar cloud, hold an ice cream cone close to the camera and position accordingly before clicking the picture. Of course, one has to give credit to this creativity. It is easy to imitate things but difficult to think of them originally.

category : ANAMORPHIC

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